I think a key point to focus on here is that I did in fact manage to go see The Martian (on Sunday afternoon) and also get my car inspection and oil change (yesterday afternoon). And I managed to get my entire Monday "to do" list done yesterday with the exception of the visit to Grandma -- and I did in fact go to the nursing home to see her, but she was asleep when I got there, so I turned around and came back out. I plan to go this afternoon, just as soon as I post this entry...
So I'm running later than I'd like to be today -- but I got off to a very lazy start. And I have gotten everything else on the "to do" list done (manicure included) -- it's just the visit to Grandma, which I was basically saving till dinnertime anyway to ensure she'd be awake when I get there.
Worked on this at the gym, while visiting Grandma last week, and while sitting in the waiting room at Kwik Kar yesterday.
And I worked on this in the movie Sunday. Going to get it out again the weekend after next when I go see Crimson Peak. I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but it's got Tom Hiddleston in Victorian clothing, so I'm feeling compelled.
Mom gave Lauren some money for school photos last night. (Also, there was bitching about missing a year of Aidyn's school photos -- evidently they were sent to the house after she'd moved out and gone back to Daniel, and Dad never got around to getting them to her, and since he left that house abruptly a year ago we have no idea what he did with the photos but the assumption is they were trashed, if not by him or his housemates then by whoever cleared the junk left behind in the house after Dad and his skeevy roomies all cleared out...) So Lauren came by last night to get the $20 -- and brought both kids, and hung out for a while, and used up the window of alertness I had remaining after a very long day, so that when she finally got out and we started watching John Oliver I missed at least half the show through dozing off. And then had to nap in the chair for a while longer before I could get up, tend the bunnies, and get myself properly to bed. (Which I did, at least, with the lights out and everything. But it led to a slow start this morning, as I slept till 8:30 and then screwed around on my phone for a bit before getting up.)
The good news is that I've got a full month till Mom's next agreed-upon babysitting session. The bad news is that she'll be taking both kids, not just the baby, and I sincerely hope I manage to come home that Saturday and crash immediately so I can get as much sleep as possible before they're in the house. Because they're going to be shrieking in the living room right during my normal sleep hours, and the last few times Lauren hasn't shown up to collect her offspring till right around the time I'm leaving for work -- and oh, shit, I just remembered this is an overnight thing. I suspect they'll still be in the house when I get home from work Sunday after hours of overtime followed with a gym session. No fucking way Lauren's going to be coming over early to get them after throwing a party and being up late drinking with friends.
I have got lots of the jack o'lantern face decals, and it's a lovely easy mani to do. The pumpkin decals are coming back out at Thanksgiving, and I can see I need to put them on a gold background because that looks lovely. The neon green looked great with the other two colors of base polish but not at all good under the slightly-translucent decal.
That's a very pretty decal on my right thumbnail. All in all, a lazy manicure but it did more or less what I wanted it to.
This week's mani is inspired by a candle I examined closely but did not buy. It was just like a candle I'd bought from the same home goods store two years ago (
seen here, the tall white "candle" with the Halloween scene printed around it in black) but instead of being plain white the candle was a surprisingly lovely ombre of pale orange at the bottom shading into violet around the top. It was almost like a sunset and I very nearly bought it -- aside from A) having the same candle in a different color already and B) it sharing the worst-of-both-worlds factor of a wax outer shell (needing careful storage away from the heat and requiring something to set the base onto to avoid furniture damage) and a battery-powered LED interior light (requiring batteries that you always forget about until you're actually trying to light it and can't find any in the right size). So I made a note of the color scheme and today I gave myself a orange-and-purple ombre with black Halloween-themed decals. It is exactly what I wanted it to be. (And it's had ample time to dry, so I can knit while sitting with Grandma.)
In other news, out of the four roses planted last week, the Blue Girl in the back and the Snowfire in the front are thriving. (The Blue Girl has a single pale lavender bloom that's persisted all week and still looks pretty good. The Snowfire opened its three buds one after the other and now I can see the exuberant red roses when I pull up in front of the house.) The Perfume Delight is still exhausted from having too many flowers going simultaneously and then I think not being watered enough in the week before I got it. (I may give it a little sprinking of fertilizer tomorrow or the day after.) And the Heirloom in the back has developed black spot and I'm going to need to get something to spray it with. On Friday's paycheck, I think.
Also, I was hoping to get the box of Halloween stuff out this weekend, but I haven't gotten around to it. The inside decor is going to call for a bit of cleaning to make room to set it out, and the outside stuff might as well wait a few days for us to get the rain the forecast is suggesting, so the stakes and gravestones can go in the ground more easily. I could put up one or two things, though -- maybe look through the box tomorrow...
Right, need to go see Grandma!
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