So I did not get around to posting an entry Friday -- can't remember how I wasted time that day, though part of it was probably down to having a really long "to do" list for Fridays and deliberately saving part of it over for Saturday on most weeks. Also did not go see Grandma, which was a bit more regretful, so I had that to do on Saturday as well.
Came home from work Saturday morning and immediately zonked out for like five hours, which turned out to be a really good thing. I got up and visited Grandma and did dishes and then sometime between 7pm and 8pm my sister came by to drop off the baby for Mom to babysit so my sister and her husband could take the older kid skating. (Had I mentioned that Lauren tried to get Mom to babysit last weekend, too? She called basically from the party at which the adults present had started drinking and Mom informed her that Mom herself had already gotten into the tequila and Lauren needed to give her advance warning if she was wanted on her night off.) I got no more sleep that night -- partly due to needing time to wind down before trying for a nap before work, but the baby was fussing in the next room when I was in bed trying to sleep. I fear Lauren is going to try to make it a weekly thing, Mom taking the baby off her hands for a few hours, and I'm not at all looking forward to the effects on my sleep schedule.
So I put in two hours of overtime at work, got breakfast and hit the gym on the way home, got in the door around 1:30pm or later, and fell asleep so abruptly I didn't even get the chance to let the rabbits out of their cage. Mom woke me up at 11:30 when she was going to bed and I gave the bunnies a few hours to play while I brushed my teeth and refilled water bowls and put things away for the weekend. Then (after a little time screwing around on my plugged-in phone waiting for it to recharge a bit) I went to Denny's for breakfast in the wee hours. Came home and decided to finish the book I was on, going to bed for another little nap around dawn.
This turned out to have been a bad move, since the rabbits had an appointment for a checkup at 1pm, which I had forgotten to take into account. I got up and out of bed and showered just in time to throw on some clothes and get the bunnies into their carrier and out the door -- in fact, I was late because I took time for a quick snack. (And drove past the animal clinic by several miles, since they had consolidated their two locations into one and closed the clinic I had been used to going to, and I neglected to check the cross-streets when pulling up a map on my rush out the door.) The bunnies are fine, the vet asked me if I wanted bloodwork done on them and I agreed, Stilinski has lost some weight since last year, Amelia is most charmingly pettable (clearly well-handled as a baby by her previous owner), and it was expensive.
It completely wrecked my afternoon schedule, so I deliberately planned to let the visit to Grandma slide to today (especially since I'd last seen her on Saturday anyway). I was doing well at catching up on my tasks but got bogged down in my room, hitting the point of frustration where I wound up cleaning out my closet a bit to make more room for the clothes I actually still wear. (Lauren's closet has been annexed for the purpose, with Mom having some stuff in the other half of the closet.) So Mom got home while I was doing that, and I hadn't finished dealing with the bunny cage. I did that while she watched baseball, then put the pizza in and managed to get the cage trash dumped and the carpet swept while the pizza was baking. I even had time to get the vacuuming done, and was able to sit down for dinner with very little left on my "to do" list. Clearing last week's polish off my nails could wait, and I was already postponing my visit to Grandma for today, so the only thing left that needed doing was my grocery run. I had planned to take care of it after dinner, but by that point I was so tired I decided I'd be better off going to bed then and hitting Wal-Mart early in the morning.
Maybe I should have gone last night, because I woke up early this morning (lights still on, teeth unbrushed) and then dozed off again before I could get myself out of bed. Got up and had breakfast and it was nearly noon by the time I left for my grocery run. So running well behind schedule and with a visit to Grandma yet to be fit in.
Lots of progress on my day off, yes. Increased for the calf panel and just about ready to start working the lace chart in that section.
This is where my knitting time has gone this week. I'm just a row or two away from binding off for the armholes, and then once I'm working the fronts and the back as separate sections they appear to fly by. It would be very good to have this finished well before we have any real chance of cold weather...
Gym and Grandma knitting, but I'm not putting anything onto this today because my nails are still hardening.
Oh, and my visit to Dad last week went fairly well. I left the house about when I'd expected to, but forgot to factor in rush hour traffic in my travel time. (Grandma slept through my entire visit, so I could have saved the half hour or so I spent in a chair by her bed waiting to see if she'd wake up like she usually does when she's napping when I arrive.) Still, I arrived before dark and watched TV with Dad for a bit and then had to go crash after 9pm. I was up around 5 or 6am the next morning and Dad was up, too, so we watched TV together until I left around 1 or 2pm. Came home and unpacked my weekend bag and knitted in front of the TV a bit more until going to bed. Saved my gym session for Thursday so I could do it on the way home from work.
Half the nails are left unembellished because I was leaving myself the option of adding silver polish when I got home Wednesday afternoon. Decided I was satisfied with it as it was. The pinky decal is one from a set meant to decorate nail tips that had some very pointy ovals and some with blunter tops. I had selected a blunter one because I was putting it on my right ring finger, and then discovered once it was on the finger that it was too narrow for the nail. It was still very damp so I was able to swap it to the left pinky, which was the right width but pointier than the decal was meant for.
Some smudging on the texture of the thumb. The decal on the middle finger wound up too close to the tip rather than the cuticle -- and it wasn't a water decal that I could slide around into a better position, but a regular sticky decal that risked peeling up polish if I tried repositioning it. The pinky was okay. I really loved the way the rose tip looked on the thumb -- the decal was more strongly curved than the nail, but the arch matched closely enough at the tip of the nail and the sides weren't so visible.
Okay then. I post this and go see if Grandma is still awake... Oh, geeze, the time. Well, tonight's going to be another token nap before work. Kind of a good thing I had that unplanned nap this morning, I guess.
No, I don't think I have time to go today, after all. Crap. Thursday, then.
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