I pulled an inadvertent all-nighter last night, since I postponed the rabbit cage till today (on the grounds that it was raining all day yesterday and forecasted to be partly sunny today) and decided to get a jump on the computerage before going to bed so I'd have that much less to deal with today. Around about 5:30am I realized I'd missed the window for going to bed at all and would just have to be really sure to hit the sack at a reasonable time today. The upshot is that I'm saving the gym session for tomorrow but, aside from that, once I post this entry and get offline I'm in good shape to just grab a quick meal and go to bed.
Final rows knit while visiting Grandma yesterday, and the bindoff completed in front of the TV with Mom last night. Finally done, and just slightly before the first anniversary of my cast-on date!
I'm to the calf increases. May be working on this with Grandma a little more often, but it remains my gym knitting.
Here's a sock that's been sitting around waiting to be cast on for months, with the yarn wound and the pattern printed up and the needles waiting, tucked away in a project bag ready to go. And now here it is March, an excellent time for green. I started it last Wednesday in an orgy of beginnings, ceremonially casting on for three different projects I was raring to go on.
This is going to be an entrelac cowl, in slow color-shifting yarn, chosen to coordinate well with my purple hooded coat. Too late to get any wear out of it this winter, but it's something I want to have ready for next winter (along with another couple of knitted vests).
This is basically the pair of kneesocks I planned on replacing the
Joker Stockings with, though I let them wait till I'd gotten some more stuff finished (and we were out of Mercury retrograde). I'll be alternating stripes of red and black, and pick out a chart to do stranded colorwork around the top under the ribbing. For now, the Petrol Stockings are slightly higher priority (in that they're closer to being a finished pair), but these are also going to be suitable for the gym, the movie theater, visits to Grandma, or knitting while reading, and I may pull them out before I'm entirely done with the other plain kneesocks.
So I was very saddened by not having taken the opportunity to make use of probably our last snow day of the winter, and I wound up requesting a couple of nights off. I picked a Tuesday and Wednesday night several weeks in the future, to give us time to get some new people trained up so the department won't desperately miss me (and so we'll perhaps have reached the point where I'm no longer picking up more than five hours of overtime a week). So, I'm off for the first couple of days of April, and I need to call Dad and tell him I'm available to come visit him then.
Also, I had a lot of employee appreciation points (owing to the supervisors being pleased at me for putting in the extra hours and showing up on the bad weather days) and today I cashed some of them in for an On the Border gift card and another gift card to Amazon. I applied the Amazon gift card to my account and blew through it in about five minutes grabbing books on my wishlist that I was figuring I'd be reading sooner rather than later -- the restaurant gift card I'll use to take my mother to dinner again, like we did on Xmas Eve.
And the profit-sharing deposit appeared in my account today. I bought a bit of yarn in the wee hours, but I plan to use the bulk of it for a major credit card payment. (Anyway, I get paid Friday.)
I couldn't resist getting a photo of most of my green polishes arranged by shade, with Stilinksi off to the left watching me compare bottles.
An attractive enough manicure, though basically a retread of the
Mardi Gras mani from a few weeks ago.
And there's the other hand. It looked really good, though it started chipping fairly early. I made some repairs early in the week, but by Saturday it was definitely missing some large chunks at the tips.
So Saturday was my sister's wedding, and I missed it. Not entirely deliberately -- I was very unenthusiastic about the prospect of attending, and had been delaying rummaging through my closet to make sure I had something appropriate to wear, but I was more or less intending to show up. Only I came home from work so tired that morning I sat in the car for about half an hour dozing until I had the energy to gather up my things and go inside -- and there wasn't enough time to get in a nap before having to go dress for the wedding. I wasted time and then Mom was leaving, because Lauren wanted her there an hour early, and I was at home alone and should have been starting to get myself ready. Instead I got lunch... and then I noticed how late it was getting and how little time I had left to change into something more suitable than the same unicorn-farting-a-rainbow T-shirt I'd worn to work the night before... and then I figured I was kind out of time to get out there, even if I just threw on a nice-looking sweater and wore the same black cargo pants and crappy tennis shoes I already had on. Mom sent me a text at a few minutes to 3pm (that being the scheduled time) and I said I didn't know what to wear and was out of time. She told me to pick something and get on out there. I didn't reply, she didn't keep nagging me, and I went to bed.
Mom wasn't even aggravated with me that night when I was up and getting ready for work -- said everyone had been pretty understanding about me having worked all night and having another shift to put in. My aunt had evidently spent the time bitching about Dad not showing up instead, blaming it on him sitting around drinking and still not jobhunting yet. She may have missed him griping about deliberately boycotting Lauren's wedding, though when I last talked to him a week ago he was debating whether he should maybe show up anyway.)
And I'm not entirely sorry for having chosen getting six or seven hours of sleep over going to an event I didn't want to be at to hang around with a lot of people I mostly don't know (and don't especially want to know -- I haven't been all that thrilled by the time I've spent in the company of my sister's new in-laws and their friends). Saturday night at work the computer system we use for doing pretty much everything (in our department, at least) crashed and we had a couple of hours of just hanging out killing time waiting to be able to do something. We probably could have finished all the work that night, except for the two wasted hours. I put in some extra hours at the end of the shift (which wasn't enough time to finish) and came home and did everything that needed doing with my Sunday afternoon and then slept until 10 or 11am Monday. Put me behind schedule for the whole day, which is how working all that overtime has a knock-on effect eating into my free time even on my weekends. I'm enjoying the bigger paychecks, but dammit I'm about ready for some time off now...
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