So last night I got home to find the house deserted, fed all the cats except Dizzy (who was a no-show until much later in the evening, and came in
soaked and
annoyed), and parked in front of the TV. Got two Daily Show eps and the Colbert Report from in between them off the DVR while having my dinner and putting three rows onto the Ginkgo Shawl, then Mom came home just as I was starting to get myself to bed. I helped her haul in Lauren's computer (which Lauren says came down with a virus that Mom needs to fix, which may even be true) and then got the bunnies tended. Dozed off partway through undressing for bed (with unbrushed teeth), though at least I got nearly eight hours of sleep last night if you add together that unplanned nap with the hours I got after getting up to finish off my pre-bed routine.
Feeling less like a zombie today, anyway, and much more philosophical about the Android. May be a day or two before I'll feel comfortable turning on the desktop (more thunderstorms expected today and tomorrow), but I can try again with the netbook.
Link from my Yahoo! page:
Genome of 18-week-old foetus deciphered -- "A blood sample from mum and saliva from dad have been used to sequence the genome of a foetus in the womb, by US researchers. At the time, the mother was just 18 weeks into the pregnancy. The doctors said the findings, reported in Science Translational Medicine, could eventually lead to foetuses being screened for thousands of genetic disorders in a single and safe test. However, they also caution it would raise 'many ethical questions'. The scientists at the University of Washington used pieces of the foetus' DNA which naturally float around in the pregnant woman's blood. These fragments were then pieced together using the parents' DNA as a guide to build a complete 'map' of the foetus's genome. They then compared the genetic map drawn 18 weeks into pregnancy with the foetus' actual DNA taken from the umbilical cord after birth. It was 98% accurate."
Link from Tumblr (originally from Twitter):
Model Live-Tweets Married Actor Trying To Hook Up With Her On A Plane And, yeah. That's it for the day. Most of my tabs closed out, and almost to a good stopping point in the policy I'm working on. Time to go home and fiddle with the Android -- it's worth noting that I A) brought it to work with me today and B) swapped in the SIM card earlier this afternoon to see how it acted. No freaking signal at the front desk, which is unsurprising since reception sucks here and in the break room -- I'm about to head to the rear of the office to leave, and I'll hopefully remember to stop and check the reception there as well. If I get home and it won't pick up any data at all even when in the house wifi field (and with a nearly-full battery), that's reason not to keep it right there. My Blackberry is sometimes cantankerous about reception, but at least it's functional -- including here at the front desk and in the break room.
Crossposted from
Dreamwidth with
comments made.