I think I just hit a wall in terms of being able to focus on anything. I need sleep. Or caffeine.

Jun 10, 2011 17:12

So in browsing around on Amazon a couple of days ago I ran across a Georgette Heyer I hadn't actually read -- which isn't unusual, since I've only read a very few of hers -- but which I vaguely remembered as being a title I'd seen a rec for -- and more to the point, Cotillion is available for free on Kindle, so I got it. (Also, I'm seeing The Black Moth for $0.99 and The Grand Sophy for $1.99 -- I haven't read the first, but I really liked The Grand Sophy and think it's worth rebuying in digital, especially at that price.) Giving a heads-up on bargains aside, the point being that I started reading Cotilliion yesterday during lunch -- and then when I got home last night and Mom was watching some basketball (which, no, she doesn't give a damn about except when the Mavericks are apparently doing something exciting playoff-wise), I started reading it again during my dinner and wound up not getting into bed till midnight. Whoops. At least today's Friday, when half the office is out (including my supervisor) and I don't have a hell of a lot to do, and I can sleep as late as I need to tomorrow.

Also, at one point last night I had to switch applications on the Blackberry and google on washing a rabbit's butt, because the ongoing slight urine stainage to Marvin's nether regions I was ignoring in the hopes that it would clear right up once a change of diet eliminated the calcium excess and fixed the pissing-like-a-racehorse issue? (Yes, yes, lazy rabbit care, I know.) Well, last night was when I discovered he'd graduated to messy butt, meaning a whole new set of internal issues are going on. So last night instead of a dose of antibiotic (which the vet said isn't so important for Marvin to be getting -- what with not even being sure he was even actually sick instead of just dealing with a dietary imbalance -- so I cut his dose out to make the remainder last long enough to give Willow the full course, as per the vet's rec) he got his rear end washed in the bathroom sink. He wasn't at all thrilled about being stuck in the bathroom with me, because there's where dreadful things like claw-trimmings happen to him -- did a lot of anxious laps around the tiny room while I was getting the water temperature right -- but at least he seems to find a stream of wam water soothing and just kind of chilled out with his feet in the air and his head cradled in my cleavage while I held his butt under the tap. (He seemed a lot happier about that than about me going after the mess with a wet paper towel, that having been option #1, which didn't work. Also didn't try the cornstarch cleaning, even though the "dry shampoo for small animals" my sister had acquired for Trixie years ago and brought over to add to the pet supplies appears to be exactly that, so at least I've got some on hand next time I have a bit of rabbit spot-cleaning to do. Wish I'd remembered I had it that time a few months ago Marvin found the charcoal sketch pad under my bed and came out grey...)

The bunnies got no pellets at all this morning -- which the vet had wanted me to cut out completely when I was changing their diet a few weeks ago (but since I still had the bag I wanted to use up and was using the pellets to bribe Willow back into the cage in the mornings and was only giving a tiny amount anyway...). I'm going to need to see if the Petco a few blocks from home carries Bene-Bac to get his intestinal flora back up to par after the antibiotic, or else I'm going to have to order some online and wait for it to arrive. (And I'm sure Willow could do with a dose after her antibiotic course is over with next week.) While I'm visiting Petco, I should get some pet shampoo, too, so I can wash him properly if I have to keep doing this (which didn't really happen last night -- all he got was a long rinsing, which took care of most of the issue but didn't get him as clean as I'd like). Oh, and I'm out of teeth-cleaning chew treats for the cats (which are much cheaper online, so there's an upside if I have to get the Bene-Bac from the website). I'm going to give him a few days (of Bene-Bac and proper cleaning and no pellets) before I try calling the vet to complain about the situation, so long as he's still eating well and generally perky.

In happier news, the beautiful heraldic "Winter Is Coming" T-shirt that I'd run across on Tumblr and was holding off on buying from Redbubble for a few weeks in the hopes that it would pop up on Teefury one day soon for less than half the price? Yeah, it's on TeeFury today, and I've placed my order. So there's that. (And my Peter Cotton Ale T-shirt arrived in the last week or so -- wearing it today for the first time.)

Linked from Twitter, Neil Gaiman did a blog entry of a long Q&A about "The Doctor's Wife" that I'm finding worth reading.

Still not entirely in love with Tumblr as the next great fandom network after LJ, but whenever riotclitshave posts another batch of pictures I re-e-e-e-e-e-ally get the urge for a nice "reblog" button so I can share them with two clicks.

Link passed along in an e-mail from an old friend: Don't Believe Facebook; You Only Have 150 Friends -- "Dunbar has found 150 to be the sweet spot for hunter-gatherer societies all over the world. From the Bushmen of Southern Africa to Native American tribes, a typical community is about 150 people. Amish and Hutterite communities - even most military companies around the world - seem to follow the same rule. The reason 150 is the optimal number for a community comes from our primate ancestors, Dunbar says. In smaller groups, primates could work together to solve problems and evade predators. Today, 150 seems to be the number at which our brains just max out on memory."

The good news is that I completely finished the account designated "today's work" while up front at the receptionist's desk, so the afternoon was basically about chipping away at what I had set up for Monday. So I can wind up what I'm doing and leave with a warm glow of accomplishment.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth with
comments made.

doctor who, wicked tricksy rabbitses

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