It took me quite a bit more time to get out of work last night than I'd hoped or expected, what with there being some specially fiddly things and more policies on the account than I'd remembered, and me having promised my supervisor I'd leave the finished account in his cubicle before I went home. So I got home and had dinner and finished I Shall Wear Midnight and it was late enough that I just went to bed straight afterwards. Also, have successfully stifled the brief urge to get a silver (or silver-tone) horse necklace, especially since I wasn't really happy with how any of the three options I'd turned up looked. However, I am wearing my bronze bunny necklace today, which is close enough to a golden hare to make me happy.
Oh, hey, found the website -- it actually is a
hare! And, I happen to think, more interesting than the
official merchandise hare sold on Paul Kidby's site. Also, in browsing around that site -- which I don't think I'd ever found my way to before, since I bought my hare at DragonCon in 2009 -- I turned up this
dragon pendant that bears a pleasing similarity to my
Viking Wave Dragon tattoo. I've bookmarked it for later consideration -- I may be getting enough birthday money to have fun playing with, and I'm sort of inclined towards getting a few necklaces. Though first comes my repeatedly-delayed tattoo -- which I'm actually leaning towards getting next weekend since I took Thursday and Friday off. Oh, yeah, and I need to fit in getting my driver's license renewed. And I was thinking about visiting my grandfather, but maybe I can postpone it to my birthday weekend since I took the Monday after off...
Might be going to see Dad tonight -- I'll text him later on, when it's late enough for me not to be bothered by taking a personal call at work. If so, I don't anticipate getting much knitting done tonight, so I'll get to play catchup tomorrow. At least I don't have any really pressing reading that would tempt me to spend hours lying on the couch with my nose in a book (or an ebook) instead of knitting socks tomorrow afternoon. And I don't have a long list of things I need to try to accomplish over the weekend, either.
Seen this story bouncing around linked from various people, but hadn't actually gotten around to reading the details until now. This article happens to be from the NY Times:
Scientists and Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery -- "Liaisons between the military and academia are nothing new, of course. World War II, perhaps the most profound example, ended in an atomic strike on Japan in 1945 largely on the shoulders of scientist-soldiers in the Manhattan Project. And a group of scientists led by Jerry Bromenshenk of the University of Montana in Missoula has researched bee-related applications for the military in the past - developing, for example, a way to use honeybees in detecting land mines. But researchers on both sides say that colony collapse may be the first time that the defense machinery of the post-Sept. 11 Homeland Security Department and academia have teamed up to address a problem that both sides say they might never have solved on their own."
Oh, nice -- I got something productive accomplished with the first half of my stint up at the front desk after my lunch, and then used the latter half of my time to put nearly two pattern repeats onto Mom's sock. Seven rows and a half done in not too long at all -- I need to start setting myself a nightly quota of two repeats on this sock, and I'll get some actual progress made...
Mmkay, about ten minutes of work left and I can go. And other people are clearing out now, so I can text Dad and not feel self-conscious about answering when he inevitably calls me back rather than sending a texted answer.
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