Holiday cards

Dec 10, 2019 12:21

Sending out holiday cards has been one of the fun parts of the season for me for a very long time. I sent out my first cards as a teenager and when my mother lost interest in the whole process a year or two later I just took over, setting aside the cards going to family members so Mom could add her own signature before I sealed them.

It seems to be a dying custom, though - not so many people bother anymore. It's time and money and trouble -- and a shrinking address list as people move away and I don't have their current addresses. Also a shrinking address list as people die over the years, which is adding a layer of gloom to the whole proceeding.

So. If you got a card from me last year odds are fair I'll send another this year. If not, or if you've moved since then, and you'd like one, drop a comment - they're screened, so you can give me your adress without making it public. (As if anyone still reads these journals anymore.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth with
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