Feb 18, 2009 20:45
Well last weekend I did something rather unusual for me.... I took off by my self and left the family behind.... as I went out to visit Hindpaws and Spikefoxx out in Rochester NY. My trip started out after I got done working on Friday and 8 1/2 hours later I was out in a beautiful (and surprisingly barren of snow) western section of NY state. Mr. GPS led me right to the front door of my furiends and some much needed furry hugs were exchanged. After the grand tour and about 1 1/2 hours of gabbing one very exhausted spotted puppy and one very gracious and exhausted spotted kitty turned in for the remainder of the night. Unfortunately I would have to wait for morning to see Spike as he was at work.
Oh yes I forgot to mention I was also tortured by a large and expertly wrapped package sitting in the living room.
In the morning Hindpaws and I woke up and went about the normal morning routines being careful not to wake up Spike so he could get some much needed sleep. HP and I went out and go something to eat as he showed my a smige of their stomping grounds. After we returned there was a present that needed to be opened and I was floored by by what was inside...they gave me a *************** (editors note: You'll have to wait for HP to post to find out what was in the box). I was taken back by the gesture, and now the game of *oh crap now what do I get him* has been fully engaged by both of us.
so after digging out the fur-suits some much needed cuddling was done, and a grinning Spike was seen to appear and more huggs, snuggels, and cuddling happened. *I know sounds pretty much like most furry get togethers, but it's still fun*. SO after watching some movies and such we went out to eat at a great little chinese place, followed by the renting of bad movies for a night of heckling. A short time after we returned to the apartment Spikes cousin arrived and the movie heckling began.
After a few hours of movie bashing and the coining of a new term *Chest Penis* three of us turned in while Spike got ready for work.
The next day was just more of the same and was unfortunately all too short, I had to go to bed early and leave at midnight to head home... for monday.
So after an all too short visit with my friends and well over 1000 miles in the weekend I feel some what refreshed and partially ready for the world..... until next time thanks guys.
Stay Safe
hanging out,