May 09, 2009 22:12
I has a new bed! And I got it almost for free. I mentioned to Wendy, my wonderful boss of amazing at the J, that I needed a new bed, since I've been sleeping on a lumpy futon since September, and she put me in touch with a friend of hers who just happened to have a full sized bed that she wanted to get rid of. So today, Jeff and I rented a u-haul and picked it up. I'm sitting on it now, and it's wonderful. It's a bit narrower than the futon, but it more than makes up for it in height and bounciness. Only downside is it has wheels, which have a habit of rolling at unexpected times, so we'll have to get a carpet for the new bedroom. But I'm more than okay with that.
I spent most of today packing, and the majority of my non-essential possessions are now all boxed up and ready for the move. I'm pretty sure we can afford movers this time, so I didn't have to worry about spreading my library through all the different boxes, which will be especially nice when it comes to unpacking. This also gave me the opportunity to rearrange my bedroom so I have a bookcase next to my bed. i like the arrangement so much, I may try to keep it.
Oh! I don't remember if I posted about it or not, but for those of you who don't know: I'm moving on the 30th to a beautiful new apartment. It's only two blocks south of my current place, so I get to stay in the neighborhood I love. Plus, it's still convenient for both me and Jeff to get to work. It's in a beautiful building that used to be a hotel, and has a 7/11 right downstairs, for my shopping (and late-night snacking) convenience. There's also a restaurant in the same building that has some of the best food I've ever tasted--Jeff and I went there a couple weeks ago to celebrate our 2 year anniversary. Our apartment is a 1 bedroom, with a tiny kitchen, no dishwasher, and a kinda funky layout. However, it's also on the 9th floor and has uninterrupted panoramic views of the lake. It's in the upper range of affordable, but makes up for it by including all utilities. I'm so excited I've been dreaming about it, and I'm counting the days til I can move in.
In other news I'm starting my 7th job tomorrow--working as a front desk person at the J. My schedule is now approaching ridiculous. it looks like this:
9-12: preschool
12:30-3:30: mother's helper
6-7: tutoring
10-3: mother's helper
9-12: preschool
2-6: after school care
6-9:30: Middle school girls club (every other wednesday)
2-6: after school care
9-12: preschool
2-5: after school care
2:30-10: Front Desk
Okay, that's technically only five jobs. The other two are irregular, substituting and babysitting. Granted, it's only 34 hours (I think) but stretched over six days, it feels like a lot. None of them pay me very much, but all together it's enough to get by (barely). I sometimes miss the predictability of a set schedule, but I do find the constant changes very stimulating. However, it'll all change by June 10th, when school ends. I'll have a week long break before camp starts, and then things will settle down.
That's about it, for now. At some point in the near future, if I find the time and righteous indignation I'll post a long rant about the ass-crappery bank of america is getting up to. But aside from that, life is good!