Mar 02, 2006 18:28
So... its a day after lent has officially begun. .. roughly 2 to 3 weeks after my b-day... and... I'M SICK!!!
Last year it was strep adn ovarian cyst
The year before it was the flu
This time its me collapsing from a headache, stomach virus, sore throat.. and waking up so drained I could barely move or talk...
Honestly I was worried that I shoulda gone to school regaurdless do to the fact its hell day today
Then I woke up at 3pm still felling like somewhat dragged me through hell and back.. and could barely walk more or less move... (mind you I went to sleep 'bout 10pm last night ><))
Now I'm just telling myself I HAVE to get better.. I have my improv show and school tomorrow ><
(least the sore throats finally going away ><))
Also its lurkers day!!!! So everybody who lurks journals go post!!! That means YOU eia XD ^^