
Mar 01, 2011 17:32

My body... has a morbid and sadistic sense of humor.

It will never get sick when it's boring. Never get sick when it's inbetween. Even though I hadn't even gotten stressed yet, it has to get sick when I can't fucking afford to miss work/rehersal/life .

And now I'm having messed up reactions to meds-- not... bad... but enough that I'm freaked out to get in a car and drive (I just semi-dream/hallusicated I turned into a gerbil and did everything I need so).

Among other things I think I may throw up shortly, due to mass quantity of meds and lack of food in my stomach only even with happy numb!med feeling... I'm not certian I can swallow.

Fucking A-

How can I go from feeling marginally better to sixty times worse in one day without a fever or something?


meds, pretty colours, sick

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