Life, the Universe, and A-kon

Jun 02, 2009 13:59

A-kon was a blast. Really quite a blast. I had a great time... almost didn't get to go due to financial issues (yay financial issues -.-) but I have really, really great friend whom I adore dearly and whom I will pay back in full later this month >>.

(Got up that morning to go to financial aide and discovered that my money isn't going to be released until later this month at best like a week or two. On top of that discovered they wouldn't give me an emergency loan for the amount I needed. I really hate asking parents-- but given where I was Thursday morning... well... such as life. I still can't buy textbooks-- but thats alright I'll make due until I can... and I have all the Japanese books thanks to Haemy and the CD because its been floating around with my stuff.)

A-kon was awesome I'm officially going to be doing more steampunk-- I have two outfits and the beginning of a character (Either Lady Ilyania _______ or Lady Philomela ________ or maybe Lady Ilyania Philomela ___________) Now I need to come up with her thiefy name since she's a detective!thief (who saw that coming *snorts*).

All my outfits were a blast.... my Vermouthy one turned out fun given that my wig worked brilliantly (you could barely see the lace if I say so myself...) and my steampunk ones turned out amazingly (my corset!aviator pants! one ended up being possibly even more fun than the full dress. I actually think I had more pictures than any con!faire before too with that outfit... primarily because the corset made me look like some alien. I had more people either ask if I waist trained, freak out that I waist trained, and one chick tell me I should look into doing burlesque because apparently girls spend years doing that to themselves so they can get paid top dollar (I don't think I'll be doing the last one but it did make me giggle XD)

The Doctor Loli and I have fallen in love.

I didn't get stilettos in time; however, it worked out FANTASTICALLY. I got white trainers instead and HOMG flats. Flats for the costume. Works SO WELL. HOMG. I'm getting those converses exactly as he wears them... making the overcoat... finishing... Oh man just sooooo unbelievable. I love my doctor loli. Honestly? I understand why a guy who can dress perfectly as ten would never cosplay anything else. (Not to mention my Doctor Loli and I can go EVERYWHERE. Costume parties, every con ever invented, annnnyyyythiiiinggg.... and I can go in character. Perfectly in character even if my accent needs quite a bit of work. So. Much. Fun.)

That and the guy who screamed from across the room "HOMG ITS A DOCTOR LOLITA!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and ran and glomped me and went on with "homg doctor loli homg homg homg' and his friend who did the same thing... was perhaps the best con experiance ever.

Although going on an errand to the dealers room for Haemycat with my badge and getting in before the rest of the uberlong line waiting was just as fantastic.

The Conan Meetup was fun too. Small and we were completely scattered initially but still fun to see people and say hi. Might try it again now that I know a little more on this planning meetup thing.

It was a blast. One of the best cons yet honestly. They improved so much from last year and the year before... dealing with the elevators, the lines, everything. I admit the panels needed quite a bit of work... they were lacking definitely. But it was still fun... and while they could have done more with the steampunk ball it was still neat.

Got me back into cons and cosplay that's for sure.

Meanwhile in the realworld I'm kind of tied down to my apartment and classes. Like I said financially at the moment I'm dead. Really uberly dead. I have to find a job which I'm going to wait until Sunday and inquire with someone who works there if he still has an opening first-- and if not grab some things. I'm stuck a bit since I have no car-- yet-- Mum found me one although its a Standard so I have to learn to drive it *gulps* and I won't get it until the end of this month earliest.

I possibly have a roommate. I'm meeting with her... in er like ten minutes... we'll see and if I do that will help QUITE a bit. I get money back which means I might survive.

I also have very little in my fridge... which would normally be terrible right? Except see I do have enough stuff to eat (bread, some fruit, veggies some meat etc) plus juice etc

Its just weird because I'm not overloaded with sweets!food!snacks! So I get a craving and I'm like "AHAH!" Except its not there.

Which actually is brilliant.

Because I am dieting this summer. And I don't need all that stuff... and this is like YAY because it cuts cravings massively. I'm already noticing a difference-- That and getting in a financial crisis like this kinda wakes you up and reminds you-- which is what I need. Life's simpler without all that stuff and what not-- I have the library, my 7 dollars a week that I need for swing!blues dancing (2 for swing and 5 for blues) and I'm getting two commissions-

If I get a job? I'll actually survive I think.

So in someways its good. Thrusday morning I was ready to just give up but now? I don't know things aren't quite as bad... that might change the end of this month-- but as long as finanial aide gets released (and so long as I find a roommate) It'll be fine.

I just won't get to eat out much.

Which I can deal with... although I do admit I miss my greek Yogurt... but ah well that'll be my tsplurge when my money eventually comes in.

Sometimes you just have to look behind the cloud-- I admit I'm still more than a little anxious about the money, but on the other hand even with as little thats in my fridge I know I have enough to make at least two weeks of good meals. Curry, Udon, Sukiyaki, Several Middle Eastern cuisines, stir fry... and I have a small fast in two weeks anyway-

So all in all I'm actually alright. Lots of costumey things this summer... I want to go to A-fest in September-- Might do some commissions, and oh? Did I mention MY AWESOME GIANT DOCTOR WHO!TEN! POSTER?



I'll have pictures up eventually-- really I will-- I'm just waiting for some more of mine to show up ^_^

Oh and on a completely different note: I'll have some sort of fic dump for my 8th anniversary on!fanfiction. If you guys have any requests who knows... I might actually do some ^_^

finances, cosplay, dieting, a-kon, rl, doctor loli, doctor, steampunk

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