May 16, 2009 16:29
M'kay... now that I've had sleep...
So the last three weeks have been... interesting...
First there was the week of "not" swine flu (I have a souveiner face mask though!) from when they "quarentined" me in the back room.
Then there was the week of four/five tests, 2 presentations, mother's day,mom's car breaking down, and class--
And then there was this week.... -.-
There was the 8 page Art History Paper, the 20 - 30 page thesisy paper for Grad class, and a garment.
Oh and work. Cuz I need to be able to pay my rent ya know?
I finished the Art History Paper by... I think Monday Night some time... I don't remember... the Grad paper got done by 10 am Thurs, and the Garment was almost completely done by the presentation Friday (I went home at 7:30 am on Friday... and was about to head back when I fell asleep... almost missed the presentation completely and only by the saving grace that is my roomie kept me from completely not being there... I still had a skirt to hem and the bottom of the sleeves to bind but oh well -.-)
People say youcan't make up sleep... I say sleeping for a day is TOTALLY making up sleep... (although I'm still not totally cuahgt up)
But I have to say... that was my first time ever pulling four all nighters in a row ^^;;
I don't know how I was awake Friday morning... Honestly... I mean I would end up taking about an hour to an hour 1/2 nap every 12 -24 hours (like monday night I fell asleep twicein the library, tuesday I took a nap somewhere.... wednesday I took a nap at home when I got home at about 7:30/8sh am and thrusday I took a nap on the couch in the hall outside the costuming room waiting for my bovss to get in) Kinda what Davinci was suppose to have done... it apparently sorta kinda works... and I got everything done on time.
Geh... I'm still exhusted though, feel like my body's dead... probably if I got up and did stuff I'd be okay... and food... I did get up last night to go out and eat for a couple hours... but apparently 1 meal, coffee, and wendys as food for a week doesn't count ^^;; for good reason I presume.. (first time in a LONG time I went to wendy's three times late... first at 11pm, once at 3 am, and another night at like 10:30 pm) that and I saw the Bagels at the local coffee shop get delivered TWICE this week... (at exactly 6:30 i the morning... if you get there before then there are no bagels or they are old. The pastry's come a little after that)
In other news: Fandom wise this week has been amazing. Bones rocked anything and everything (although I'm still a little o.O at the ending) Tsubasa and FMA are like gwaaaaah, and if this upcoming Conan does whatI'm hoping, and if Skip Beat actually gives us what itmight... well... I might roll over and die a happy girl...
I'll make a Fandom post later... but yeah
So that's been my week... this is why I haven't posted morethan snippets in a year, and now I'm going back to letting my head not spoldy before cleaning the place... that may not happen until tomorrow though... I don't think I'm alive just yet -.-
But for the record?
Yes... Yes you can write 40 pages in 5 days and drape/sew/finish a complete garmant... and have it all done... well too... (the garment done in fabric after a muslin mock up and trying to ifgure out HOW THE HELL YOU DEAL WITH BOOBS)
I even liked my 20+ grad paper enough I think I'm gonna talk to my advisors about doing a senior thesis for honors or something... (scholarships? honors? depends on what my grades looked like for this semester and what my gpa ends up as...) I mean I got like 25 pages of this done... read like 10 books, skimmed more, and have gone over more articles than you'd believe... not including the theatre stuff I've already read pertaining tot he subject... thesis' have to be between 60 - 120 pages I think... and you get like 2 semesters to complete it... and I know the field work I'd do... not to mention I think I could actually see about trying to get it published.... and it applies to both my majors.
I'll talk to the advisor (s) sometime this week. (now i just have to see if I can apply it to just one or both my majors and who will give me the most outta it ^^;;;)