Title: Akako: Red Child
Author: Fyliwion
Fandom: Detective Conan
Pairing: Aoko/Kaito
Theme: #19 Red
Words: 435
Rating: T for implications
Disclaimer: Guess who doesn’t own MK, DC, or the characters involved? If I did I wouldn’t be a starving artist ^^
It stained her pillow like a drop of blood, but even as she lifted it even the thorns never pierced her finger, never left a mark.
Red were its petals. So Red she had wonder that it even existed in this world.
She decided that was the color she would wear, well perhaps more of a crimson. It wasn’t what she would have worn any other time. It wasn’t what she would have picked, but looking at the rose her heart fluttered.
Perhaps it would be lucky, or at least bring her good fortune. She had to sneak out so her father wouldn’t inquire about the dress she’d only bought, but never thought to wear.
But the message had said ‘Dress up!’
So she did her best.
Red was the color of the second rose that he made appear behind her ear, and it was also the color of his shirt. He teased that they both matched, but she merely swatted him away.
Red was the color her cheeks turned when her pulled her aside after the streets were empty and told her she looked beautiful and kissed her.
They went to dinner at a restaurant she’d doubted she’d ever see the inside of, or especially eat at. The wine he ordered them was a deeper shade of red, and made their blood run hot.
Red was the color they both became when fireworks went off inside the restaurant and he announced in front of everyone that he wished to marry her.
They turned even redder when she said yes and he kissed her in front of the crowd- but he’d always been unconventional.
Later it was a red passion that caught them both in a trap, and by the time she thought to escape her cheeks had been presently stained with the color.
Red was the color of the sheet she wrapped around her as she watched her fiancée get dressed from across the room.
Red was the color of the gem that made him break down later that morning and tell her everything.
When she went to see him that night, Red was the color of his once white shirt from where the blood had soaked through.
Red was the color of the jewel shards that had been embedded into his fingers.
Red was what she saw when several years later as she pointed her gun at the man who had killed him.
Red became the one thing she hated even more than KID.
And she wondered, more then once, if it was perhaps she who should have been called Akako.
A/N: Yay dark? I’ve had it for awhile… but only now really up to posting it. No fluff in this one ^^;;