Well see I've delt with that before... honestly with it following the book and stuff I think it does a bout the job that Harry Potter does or mabye even slightly better the Memoirs of a Geisha
I'm more upset that I thought the movie itself was simply poorly done. Editing wise it was very choppy, I had a hard time following it and I've read the book, very oddly pieced, and for example I felt one character was completely useless. I felt they should have simply cut her. (She's one of my favorite characters in the book, I feel she's one of the most important- but from a theatre perspective? Just leave her out instead of simply sticking it in oddly)
I was more upset with the directoral form, and the way they made such a big deal about religion and then added it in... if there was a part that bothered me most concerning the book to movie the religion was probably it- solely because of the publicity vs facts vs point etc not the fact there was religion- rather if your going to use it they should have stayed true
Ya might be right... but see I love Howl's Moving Castle the movie... and yet I love the book 10times that... yet the movie if you want to get down to it is a montrosity of the book... its horrible in its rendition yet I love the movie and thing Miyuzaki did an excellent job- so I take a certian pride in that I tend to try to look at things from a third person view
My main problem with Golden Compass is that the music, script writing, editing, and directing were in my opinion simply very poorly contrived and that's from my experiance in directioning and acting classes in my major- less to do with the book...
I think the acting was excellent and the characters were very true... I simply feel that the director who was also the script writing (did not know these were the same until after I'd already dispised both XD) sipmly was a very poor choice.
Ah. I see. I still might see it anyway. If anything, it looks like I will be entertained. And it can't be any worse than one movie I saw years ago whicn I found tastless and revolting.
I'm more upset that I thought the movie itself was simply poorly done. Editing wise it was very choppy, I had a hard time following it and I've read the book, very oddly pieced, and for example I felt one character was completely useless. I felt they should have simply cut her. (She's one of my favorite characters in the book, I feel she's one of the most important- but from a theatre perspective? Just leave her out instead of simply sticking it in oddly)
I was more upset with the directoral form, and the way they made such a big deal about religion and then added it in... if there was a part that bothered me most concerning the book to movie the religion was probably it- solely because of the publicity vs facts vs point etc not the fact there was religion- rather if your going to use it they should have stayed true
Ya might be right... but see I love Howl's Moving Castle the movie... and yet I love the book 10times that... yet the movie if you want to get down to it is a montrosity of the book... its horrible in its rendition yet I love the movie and thing Miyuzaki did an excellent job- so I take a certian pride in that I tend to try to look at things from a third person view
My main problem with Golden Compass is that the music, script writing, editing, and directing were in my opinion simply very poorly contrived and that's from my experiance in directioning and acting classes in my major- less to do with the book...
I think the acting was excellent and the characters were very true... I simply feel that the director who was also the script writing (did not know these were the same until after I'd already dispised both XD) sipmly was a very poor choice.
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