Sep 06, 2007 23:50
I'm definitely "busy" and its nice and the real busyness hasn't even stareted yet- its nice but also kinda tiring and i'm still getting over the whole sick thing so-
So rehersal started- its fun ^^ My Lover lives next door
As in her apartment is at the corner so I always have a ride so long as she has her car...
We had nice talks. Very fun ^^
I'm sleepy... Did I mention this?
I was also asked by random person at the cafeteria line "So you must be a professor? What college do you work with?" then she asked me if I worked with a school district. (What is the obsessionw ith cafeteria workers believing I MUST be a prof/teacher? b ut it was nice being presumed I was a prof XD that was cxompltely new)
Mums in Florida.
Dad's in Oregon.
Going on....
I was helping with the mandatory party/meeting/talk/dinner our department has for all its students... and was put in charge of like helping the caterers and people setting up and stuff
That was AWESOME and fun ^^ (tho i should get over the fact that i can never believe I'm in those roles)
I forgot how much I love old movies
I need to find time to work out
Oh I may try to study abroad... mebbie in the spring but thats unlikely unless I get accepted and get a good scholarship (it will mean I'll have to talk to my roomate about it... and that I'm worried about but I'll figure out something) but apparently last 18 hours have to be taken on facilities... and if i take it next fall i'll HAVE to take 18 in the spring after and nothing can go wrong...
May be through Syracuse University tho XD One of the places I'm looking at... The lady and I had a long talk XD I figured I'd be able to at lesat call daddy dearest and go "...So remember how you wanted me to go to SU? Well funny story-"
Theres three or four main ones that offer drama oppertunities with credit tho... and only way SU would likely happen is if I can get a scholarship of sorts- which may be possible
oh and:
MY ROMANI CLASS IS THE MOST AMAZING THING EVER ITS LIKE WAAAHHHHHH I WANT TO DO HISTORY SO BAD WAAAAHHHHH I mean I always loved history class... but its like the best history class I ever had up until now- on a subject that I find facinating... the combination is AMAZING(Gyspy Culture Class for all of you) i miss history
I also have a Male grad student for my TA for Japanese who is awesome ^^