Ficcage... Cuz I'm burnt out on real life and just writing aimlessly

Aug 13, 2007 22:31

Title: Like Stealing Candy from a Baby
Author: Fyliwion
Theme: #23 Candy
Words: 650
Rating: PG-13?
Disclaimer: Not Gosho. I would have been drawing and writing this at my birth… I’m not that much of a protégée.

He had never learned to love.

He was arrogant and proud. He was cold in the inside and smiling on the outside. He had learned to put his emotions behind him and never look back.

Girls oohhed over him. Boys hated him. And the crowds loved him.

He was nice enough in his own way. He did care about people, and would never harm. But he was not kind natured, nor did he go into things with other’s best interests at heart.

He sought revenge, and that was the sole motivation of his current life goal at the moment. He was selfish and he didn’t particularly care.

He never met anyone to teach him otherwise.

When he did meet the Inspector’s daughter she made him laugh. The girl was a female version of her father, and he admitted she was cute enough in a whirlwind, fiery, and a bit over the top sort of way. Not particularly beautiful or anything, but cute.

He watched her with the same sort of delight a stalker might. She grew more and more common at heists in some sort of made attempt to catch him. When her father got shot one heist night, her appearances seemed to double.

It was as though she was out for a similar revenge herself. As though she had to bring KID down for her father, even if he had made sure that the Inspector survived. After all he’d rather have Nakamori than some meddlesome detective that might actually pose a threat.

As time went on the girl and him ran into each other more and more. She chased him with anything and everything she had, and he would throw back every type of comment he could. Sometimes it would be insults, other times he would flirt, and sometimes nothing but his maddening KID laughter.

Theirs was a love/hate relationship, but it was the closest thing to love that he had ever felt.

A sort of infatuation if one would.

She was maddening, and yet he drank up her chases like an addiction. In another time, another place perhaps they could have been friends, but life had never been that kind.

Not to mention Kuroba Kaito had never so much as glanced at the unremarkable Nakamori Aoko. To Kaitou KID; however, this girl was a complete enigma. A woman who would not fall to his whiles and looks, and who did not love him without ever knowing him.

He did steal a kiss in the end.

Afterwards he never could drop the feeling that he had done some horrible wrong. It was as though he had stolen candy from a baby, as though her kiss was nothing more than a chocolate that he had lifted from a helpless child.

A sweet which had been prized, but once taken reaped more bad than good.

The delicate trust between the girl and thief had broken, and in the moment that she had responded back they had both felt something snap inside of them. Something telling them that as right as it all was, they were too far gone to ever allow for it to happen.

In another world they may have been best friends. In another world the thief and inspector’s daughter may have fallen in love, but in this world her kiss was nothing more than the forbidden fruit that plunged them both into darkness.

And it showed just how much of a bastard he’d become.

But then Kuroba Kaito had always been alone, and he had always been good at only showing the face he wanted people to see.

Yet when he stole the girl’s first kiss, and left her crying and confused waiting for her father-

He wondered if the prize had been worth it.

And wondered what things might have been like-

In another life.

A/N: Apparently I’m going for a theme of vengence tonight. And what ifs… I love how the two fics for different fandoms are both vengencey and whatifs and all, but are completely and utterly different. ‘Cept that they both have a narrative style going. Oh well take what you get, and my MK fics were feeling a bit lonely what with two other fandoms being updated XD So here’s this one. A bit different then the rest though, if I do say so myself. ^^

fanfic, fandom, writing, 30_kisses

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