Feb 11, 2007 13:23
Apparently I'm reading the epistle the first week of March >> I kinda got cornered and talked into by the older lady who runs our women's guild... she's like "You'd just replace our Deacon for the day reading it" and i'm like "....I'm new... I'm scared... bwah?" "Get invovled!! Come on!! just one reading! Any language you like" "....bwah?"
Somehow I signed up... so now I'm terrified XD I'm like "You'll give me a signal right? and etc? XDXD" I mean I have NO IDEA how I approach that... oh well... I'm a theatre major... I'll manage
Then Father's wife comes up and goes "You wouldn't be willing to chaperone our teens next week for a retreat in houston would you?" and i'm like *O.O.O BWAAH?* cuz lets face it i've never even DONE retreat and I'm 19 and your asking me to chaperone one? XDXD
I think the terror on my face and fact my weekends are pretty much booked stopped that XD
On another note osmeone made spanokapita for church... I thought it was miscooked bakalava until i prodded it with a fork and went "SPANOKAPITA!!!!!"
I also discovered where the Greek delicatessian/grocery is in our town ^_^ like the one in New York ^______^
I also have a cookbook and can't eat meat starting tomorrow *groans* though apparently our lent starts 2 days before the Catholic lent... do you know how WEIRD that is?