....And then things get better... now if colleges were just better organized....

Dec 14, 2006 11:22


So everythings fine.... apparently >.< I go up to the financial office first thing this morning and I'm like "ummm hello I signed in last night and discovered I have a bill for something that definitely was up there last night-" so the nice lady looks it up and is like...

"oh... yeah... well see you got another grant"

"...um.. yes..... well..... and?"

"well the bars a good thing..."


"well sicne you got this new grant so late in he semseter you now no longer needed the loan from this semester so it will pay it off-"

"...mm kay?"

"well see since they haven't sent you the premissonary note yet it automatically goes to your bill- and the money won't get released untilthats paid off..."

"....yes well... i have no money in my bank right now-"

"Oh we understand that! Once the promissonary note goes through the grant will automatcially pay that off-"

"....uh huh?"

"So your fine..."

"....so I don't have to pay anything?"

"No... you'll just deal with it as time comes-"


Why they couldn't have at least sent me a link or something or called me to explain that I don't know... though the woman apologized that I wasn't informed >.<

........... yeah because I definitely would have figured all that out on my own *facepalms*

So in other words everythings fine... except for the fact I have to study for japanese straight through now since I was too worried to do it last night *sighs*

Thanks all of you who wrote back tho XDXD Sorry for worrying you >> (donchya love how UT has a tendency to make me fall over ded and then be like "oh wait... your fine" >.<)

rl, college

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