Jan 10, 2005 18:17
i hate having no idea who im going to do for my final project. or my copy assignment for that matter. guh.
especially after spending much time brainstorming and researching.
its not all for the worse though.
jeremey introduced me to the boston school and some of those photographers. fucking amazing.
it kind of gives me hope that maybe if i focus more on ideas something will come of it.
and to a certain extant it is.
i hate just talking about things and not following through thats one reason why im so happy that mine and angelos collaberation is coming through.
even though the first pictures are pretty horrendous. it can only get better.
at least we're taking a step from talking to doing.
i want my final project to be the same way but i dont know whos work i can imitate.
i want to do someone that gives me a lot of room to experiment and isnt that difficult
something that i can completely fall in love with and lose myself in the work like last years final.
we'll see.