CR Chart

Jun 03, 2010 00:18


BLU Soldier
♠ Dependably violent zo often too irritating for 'is own good. Not zhe smartest bulb in zhe bunch, and ‘e is associated all too well wiz RED Soldier, but after ‘is extended absence ‘e seems to ‘ave grown a better ‘ead on zhose shoulders.

Team Fortress 2 • rocketjumpin

BLU Medic
♠ Clinical yet dependable. Zhe man can be a pain, but I appreciate ‘im more zhan most, given ‘is logical way of viewing zhings and our shared experiences in zhe war. ‘e may be odd, but ‘e is a good man.

Team Fortress 2 • iamcharged

BLU Engineer
♠ A level-headed man. Always an odd bird; zhose intellectual types always are. ‘e seems very logical, which is all well and good, but at least ‘e knows ‘ow to ‘ave zome fun. I should play a few tricks on ‘im like I did at ‘ome, but it’s ‘ard when zhere is nozzing around to sap.

Team Fortress 2 • solvin_problems

BLU Scout
♠ All scouts are annoying. Zhey are all cut from zhe same cloth. Per’aps I pity ‘im a bit more wiz what ‘appened to ‘is father and all…

Team Fortress 2 • atomicpunch

BLU Sniper
♠ Ah, mon patient petite... ‘e is a good man. Easy to talk wiz. I know I bozzer ‘im sometimes- sometimes purposefully, but is it my fault ‘e flails when I tap ‘im on zhe back?- but all in all ‘e is very dependable. Trustworthy, even, and I do not say zhat lightly.

Team Fortress 2 • itsdecaf

BLU Demo
♠ Usually drunk and smelling of drink zhat would constitute as pain thinner. I appreciate ‘is ‘umor, and while ‘is constant inebriation is somewhat of an annoyance, ‘e ‘as a dead-on shot and ‘as a few tall tales zhat are interesting when one is also drunk.

Team Fortress 2 • bloodygrimfable

RED Engineer
♠ Stupid Ingenieur. Despite all of 'is flaws- and believe me, zhere are many, not even including color... well. I would protect 'im from anyone and anyzhing. 'e keeps me as sane as possible. (And can make a sentry that explodes in zhe best way.)

Team Fortress 2 • redgineer

♠ Threatening and slick, zhere is nozzing good about 'im. Eugh. Monsieur RED... zhere is not much to be said zhat is not already obvious. Which is the fact that RED Spy is very much his equal and he threatens BLU Spy more than he would care to admit

Team Fortress 2 • handsomerogue

RED Sniper
♠ Engineer’s Friend wiz that stupid cat. Tch. Sniper. Did you know ‘e threw a jar of piss at me when we came ‘ere? ‘e did. Once a convict, always a convict.

Team Fortress 2 • redsnoipah

RED Soldier
♠ Idiotic. Moronic. Imbecilic- 'onestly now, zhat man 'asn't a brain in 'is 'ead. 'e says 'e is a war hero- I do not believe it for a moment. If it weren't for certain people 'e would be zhe first one dead.

Team Fortress 2 • sgt_crockets

RED Scout
♠ Same as zhe BLU Scout, minus any pity and an additional amount of annoyance given 'is color. All Scouts are zhe same. Zhe world would benefit if suddenly zhey all disappeared.

Team Fortress 2 • kinduvabigdeal

RED Pyro
♠ Sniper's... zhing, and an annoying one at zhat. 'e 'as been a bit more bearable since Monsieur Feu left, but would it kill 'im to act like a decent 'uman being? Ah, c'est la vie.

Team Fortress 2 • up_in_flame

BLU Pyro
♠ Ah, licorne. Not Monsieur Feu, non. But zhere is somezhing about zhat boy. 'e is a good man. Shy and stuttering, but 'e 'as a mean pranking streak to 'im. I like zhat.

Team Fortress 2 • hotfrombehind


Anastasia Romanov
♠ A young girl I see as more of a daughter zhan anyzhing of a potential conquest. While I initially regarded 'er as zo, wizout Sniper actually going after 'er... well. She is a nice girl, very beautiful, and a wonderful cook.

Lady Friend
Anastasia • lostmalenkaya

Naoto Shirogane
♠ RED Scout's girl- boyfriend and a young detective. I find zheir... choice of garb and pronouns confusing, to be blunt, but I suppose one should respect zhe police force, non? Except you don't respect any police force you dick :'|

Persona 4 • trapbound

Bonny Serge
♠ Zhe RED Soldier's girlfriend, I believe. She's a razzer brash woman, I do not like 'er in zhe least. Women should not act as she does. All of 'er talk about 'ow men cannot do zhings right... I could show 'er 'ow well I do.

Double Vision • janefuckinwayne

♠ A beautiful woman from a zombie apocalypse. Despite being from around 2000 or zo, she is still razzer polite, and 'er 'umor is sharp. I always liked a woman who could 'andle a gun.

Lady Friend
Left For Dead • flashlights_off

Paul Watkins
♠ Not a bad man at all, which is somezhing to say about a Communist- McCarthy or not, you know 'ow zhey are, Stalin zhis and Marxist zhat. But I digress, M. Watkins is a superb employer and man.

Oil • goodwith_wood

Ivan Raidenovich Raikov
♠ A bit prissy, oui, but 'e is zhe Boss' boyfriend- and, well, 'e is not zhat bad in bed, but do not tell anybody zhat. 'e is amusing, zo 'e rarely seems to mean it.

Boss' Boyfriend
Metal Gear • thatkindofguy

Pip Bernadotte
♠ Both a fellow Frenchman and a mercenary; zhat is not an everyday occurrence. I like zhis man, 'e 'as spunk and seems to be a decent man. As decent as fellows in our line of work can get.

Hellsing • soldieromantic

Iris Chase Griffen
♠ Zhe very definition of classic beauty, if zhere ever was one. I appreciate zhe fact zhat she is from our time; zhere is nozzing like zhat sense of politeness zhat seems to be lost on zhis newer generation I 'ave met on zhe island.

Lady Friend
The Blind Assassin • zycronian-heart

♠ A women who used to be a wolf? And a goddess, at zhat? She is very interesting; zhen again, I always seem to attract zhe more exotic, beautiful types.

Lady Friend
Okami • okami_shiranui

Cat Woman (Selina Kyle)
♠ Mysterious and masked wiz quite a bit of sex appeal. If zhere is one dating tip I 'ave always tried to follow, it is never to date a fellow spy... despite zhe mask, I doubt she is one, but I would love to learn more about 'er. Zhere is somezhing about women and leather...

Lady Friend
Batman • catscratching

♠ description

CANON • journalname

♠ description

CANON • journalname

♠ description

CANON • journalname
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