no pride for me

Jun 24, 2007 16:37

I spent the morning sprawled on the grass in Berkeley, shaded by the parasol I got from loraxorg and akaba's wedding a few weeks ago, eating Thai brunch with cerevisiae and crs. It was just about the perfect day for that sort of thing.

Now I'm at home, putting the finishing touches on something C is making for M. I'm providing Illustrator skillz. (Photoshop would be better, but I don't know enough Photoshop yet.) I should find more uses for this hobby of mine. Probably best to generate lots of good science and then illustrate it.

I'm also trying out my contact lenses. My eyes look so small. I tend to think my facial features aren't my best asset, and I like the way my glasses make my face look bolder. But others disagree on both counts. Maybe I'll get used to how I look without glasses, but I intend to go back to glasses after Edinburgh.

Last night we went to a party that had two great aspects: 1. I got to see the hosts and many other people who I don't see nearly as often as I'd like to. 2. The Yankee Swap provided a home for the damned candles I've been trying to get rid of for months. See, Nick's sister-in-law always gives us attractive scented candles for Christmas. And they give me a headache when I get anywhere near them. I didn't want to throw them out, but I kept forgetting to bring them to Goodwill. They were one of the popular swap items, so now they've found a much better home.

And on Friday night, I showed a charming out-of-town guest around my neighborhood and had a most excellent evening: wandering through Dolores Park to see the view, and happening upon the trans march; vegetable sushi at Country Station, "best down-home sushi", closing this weekend; great beer and music at Revolution Cafe, which is slowly becoming my favorite bar.
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