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anonymous November 25 2015, 11:19:19 UTC
Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 43m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom can I butt in and say I used to get so upset but something clicked yesterday. Like if he doesn't care why do I? Like

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 43m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom he got dumped by Demi and ran to queen. Easy way out. Quick $. I wish him luck but...hard to care anymore.

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 43m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom it's kinda like a slap in the face to fans of HIS music. Oh well at least we have MARCH lmfao. Honestly so over it

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 42m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom so as much as he has said solo>>>qal. It doesn't. It's obvs he's taking the easy/money route. This holds nothing 4me

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 42m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom it will be interesting when Bri or Roger retire. Lol. Not good at the long term thinking there buddy 😂😂😂

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 41m
@melirose89 @LIBlondMom he will prolly do Broadway or a Legends of Idol casino tour lmfao byeeeeee

Chunkastasia Steele ‏@chunkeymonkey81 28m
@TOJAEMES who knows. His team sucks and he doesn't seem to mind, I am sure he could open for someone or co-tour but this is easier


anonymous November 25 2015, 12:07:36 UTC
yus, chunkey. all this word vomit is you not caring

the fandom door is always open, and it works in both directions. please exit through it and save yourself aggravation. except you won't, ever, bc then you wouldn't be able to spew about how laughable adam, his team and his career are, and then where would you be?


anonymous November 25 2015, 15:23:30 UTC
You know what, Chunkey isn't the only one that feels this way. She's just the only one expressing it out in the open. I'm seeing more and more fans privately saying the same thing. These aren't the crays either. They will always be fans but I think mentally they have moved on. This is probably normal though. Artists either grow their fanbase and go on to bigger things or their existing fanbase start to lose interest and dwindle. Adam falls in the latter. He's doing marginally better overseas this era but in the US his fanbase is mostly down now to his original Idol fanbase. This is why they love QAL. Most of them hate pop music and every pop artist that isn't Adam. They're OK with him being a high paying cover singer because that is what he is with Queen. For those who say that if fans aren't happy with Adam's choices/or career they should just move on and I think that's exactly what they've done. They just haven't advertised it. I also see some fans say they don't get it, if you like an artist you should be happy with all their choices but that's not how fans who are into the music think/feel. Some are not into the artist's sex life, hair, endless pictures, crotch ect... Even huge stars like Gaga lose fans and move on.


anonymous November 25 2015, 16:01:22 UTC
please move on


anonymous November 25 2015, 16:34:58 UTC
It's completely fine if they move on. Fandom works that way, it's not a long-term thing for everyone.
It's the over the top continuous angst about how he is not living up to her expectations that is ridiculous.

But I think she just does it for the attention.


anonymous November 25 2015, 16:40:44 UTC
i'm not disagreeing that this is natural for any artist. i just don't think in this case there is a conflict with QAL like chunkey says. this stuff was probably booked long ago at the same time as the demi tour.


anonymous November 25 2015, 18:34:33 UTC
Then why not simply say" I am disappointed in Adams choices and move on". The end.

But day by day by day she is hysterical and overdramatic.

I agree that many fans have moved on and I am not sure how many new fans he has gained. The ticket sales for the concerts will tell the story.


anonymous November 25 2015, 18:49:50 UTC
seriously, i find her tiresome and spammy but it's her twitter. she doesn't even tweet at adam or shosh. if she wants to word vomit, let her.


anonymous November 25 2015, 20:31:47 UTC
This is how I feel. If she wants to bitch and let out her frustrations to her twitter friends that's willing to listen to her it's her right. I really don't care if fans bitch/wank as long as they keep it among themselves within the fandom. Fans of other pop stars bitch/wank about them constantly. Adam fans are child's play compared to them. I have more of a serious issue with the fans that bitch to Adam, Shosh, media or anybody related to or can hurt Adam's career. Even the bitching to Shosh is nothing compared to Britney Spears stans who tells Shoshanna all the time to do her FUCKING job right.


anonymous November 25 2015, 20:59:17 UTC
Then why not simply say" I am disappointed in Adams choices and move on". The end.

Because she's not really ready to move on otherwise she would have went quietly. Bitching and moaning aside she's still hanging in there hoping. If we're being honest alot of fans were hoping for better but shit happened ex: fucked up 2nd era, RCA debacle, poor album sales and radio ignoring him. A lot fans cut him loose the minute his 2nd era flopped. The fans that stuck around waited to see what new management, label would do. Some are happy, some are still disappointed. Maybe one day he'll break big time and we can all say "fuck it, we went through thick and thin with him." If not fans should keep expectations low so as not to get disappointed. Some fans haven't gotten there yet.


anonymous November 25 2015, 21:06:17 UTC
Then why not simply say" I am disappointed in Adams choices and move on". The end.

it's her twitter, if she wants to go on and on and on she can. maybe she still has some tiny hope or whatever the reason, she's not tweeting at adam or shosh and i doubt she's calling robert cavallo at wbr.


anonymous November 26 2015, 03:52:53 UTC
these aren't the crays either is the most laughable statement I have read here yet, lol, they're all cray, if they move on because an artist isn't doing what they wanted him to do with his career, then they didn't really stan that artist in the first place, just an idea of who he is.


anonymous November 26 2015, 05:50:46 UTC
but everyone stans an idea of who a celebrity is, they don't know the real person, and ofc most people are going to move on if an artist does something they aren't that interested in. some fans won't, but there is nothing cray about either approach to me.


anonymous November 25 2015, 12:14:57 UTC
when not c/p the rest? or is this just the chunkey appreciation thread? or what about all the other people who don't care about QAL anymore?

i mean, this bitch is cray af:

MarketingBitch ‏@LIBlondMom
@melirose89 I was sickened by the realization that the US tour will be a little 'something' - handful of dates- in a crappy mo. Smh.

MarketingBitch ‏@LIBlondMom
@melirose89 I do believe his future lies in TV or Broadway. Not sure abt movies. He's too old for regular pop now.


anonymous November 25 2015, 12:25:10 UTC
not the op, but it isn't fan disappointment that gets to me. if ppol don't like the direction adam is taking his career, ok, whatever, it's their right. it's the mockery. let's see, who would i rather be? adam, who has scheduled a domestic and international concert tour for his own music, and will also be doing big festivals fronting an iconic rock band? who's earning millions and, from what i can tell, having a blast doing it? or chunkey, who from what i've read here is dissatisfied with her career and life and is choosing to express it by mocking someone who's clearly a helluva lot happier and more successful than her?

she's allowed to mock, and i'm allowed to rme. oh, and lmfao at her


anonymous November 25 2015, 15:31:17 UTC
What's more annoying is the whiners who whine about the whiners. Everybody has a right to their own opinion. It's their twitter and they can talk about whatever they want. If you don't like it either scroll or unfollow/block. It's really that simple. You can also scroll/unfollow/block the "everything is amazing" pattycakes, Islangirl, runaway crays.


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