May 07, 2015 20:15
what does that even mean honey,
fuggen glamberts!!!!,
haha omg let it go already!!,
narcissistic idiot brigade,
thought this a wank comm guess not,
@hannabec just adam please,
the other high,
wrong false and a lie,
go stan tommy joe and his po box,
hahahhaha don't nobody lecture me!!!!!,
talk about egotistical,
idolberts don't need no fucking facts!,
your bitter tears are my bidet,
desperation is vile to me,
there's no menu,
!!wank post,
thank you for the feedback wanda,
adam disregards you coldly,
we're mall security
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Shiori @BittsandBoys
@adamlambert You could have said that a million different ways that was cold, you always said the band was family. Time to move on ur right
Grace Goodbye @GracyGoodbye
@lindafromoz @Stauneauge Honestly after the way he was dismissed by this tweet yesterday, I seriously hope he won't be back. He deserves
@lindafromoz @Stauneauge better than this. Way better.
@lindafromoz @Stauneauge He reduced him to one player among many others whereas he never treated him that way. Family, etc.Heartless and biz
@moleym64 @lindafromoz @Stauneauge To me it's unforgivable. I'm not talking about the singer but the man. Can't respect someone who treats
@moleym64 @lindafromoz @Stauneauge someone he used to call a dear friend like that, someone who's always supported him no matter what. Done
carol mitchell @moleym64
@GracyGoodbye @lindafromoz @Stauneauge Agreed it's not what is right or wrong on a professional level, it's the way he is treating a friend!
Fera Lunaris @feralunaris
@GracyGoodbye @moleym64 @lindafromoz @Stauneauge it was directed to a certain group of fans. Makes it look like we are no longer needed.
Linda @lindafromoz
@GracyGoodbye @Stauneauge Yes, I agree! I found that tweet very cold, rude and dismissive. He could have had a bit more tact..
there's so much butthurt on tommy's behalf and those people don't even know him on a personal level, he's just a someone they saw on stage playing guitar for another guy
But now they can move on and support him - lets see what he will do next. He had two years to find another band or gig, perhaps the sepember morning thing will happen. They are claiming he is the best guitarist ever so he should not have any problems finding another job.
I am mre then happy to move on as well.
Velvet Russell @velvetsilk
Unfollowing @adamlambert & cancelling pre-order for album was really difficult. I'll never hate him, I'm just too disappointed to believe.
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