Since a nonny mentioned it, I checked the Adommy thread at IDF. Whoa, some are really cray and - imo - not fit for rl.
Take otulissa for example:
I was SO MAD! I think Adam treated Tommy horribly there. The tatoo artist and Tommy had publically said on twitter they had the ideas all worked out and the tatoo artist said he was just waiting for adam to make the appt for him and tommy and then adam takes sauli instead. That whole line that Adam gave on twitter about the guy not being able to do them both at the same time was just bull. The tatoo artist was expecting both him snd Tommy together. angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif
The night of the tatoo incident there were plenty of people none too pleased with Adam's behaviour. I hope Adam comes to his senses soon, or he may lose Tommy forever crying.gif
and the tattoo (not tatoo, TATTOO) artist never said he'd tattoo both of them at the same time because one tattoo artist can't physically tattoo two people at the same time
Take otulissa for example:
I was SO MAD! I think Adam treated Tommy horribly there. The tatoo artist and Tommy had publically said on twitter they had the ideas all worked out and the tatoo artist said he was just waiting for adam to make the appt for him and tommy and then adam takes sauli instead. That whole line that Adam gave on twitter about the guy not being able to do them both at the same time was just bull. The tatoo artist was expecting both him snd Tommy together. angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif
The night of the tatoo incident there were plenty of people none too pleased with Adam's behaviour. I hope Adam comes to his senses soon, or he may lose Tommy forever crying.gif
by plenty of people they mean a hundred delusional tommyberts?
I'm sure the tattoo artist is mad, too. How dare Adam entice him with promises of tattooing him and Tommy together and then bringing Sauli there!!!1
lol irl omg
and the tattoo (not tatoo, TATTOO) artist never said he'd tattoo both of them at the same time because one tattoo artist can't physically tattoo two people at the same time
"angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif" needs to be a tag tbh
It's the Oath of Twitter.
wtf get out
@Nady_81 Maybe that's what he is trying to say. Since A said he is straight he is boxed in, in a sense, but PINK HAIR speaks volumes :D :D
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