i've been thinking a lot today.i always think about stuff when im pissed off + my mom made me mad this morning so thats probably why, but anyways i was thinking about my friends.whose a true friend + whose not. me + kayla were talking about it at school to. there are some people who would so ANYTHING for a little attention from a guy...ditch her friends,act stupid,lie about things that dont matter...+ personally i hope i never end up like that. because somebody has been showing me lately that it's really annoying + i don't want to be like that person. make sense??? hope so...haha
xxcandykittyxx is my best friend these days.a couple weekends ago when we went to kelseys house, chelsey + kassie went + stayed the nite with chelseys cousin an his friend jornda (kassie + kaylas brother) but me + kayla stayed with kelsey b/c we both thought it was rude to ditch her like that.i think thats when i realized how good of a friend kayla is.she can be a bitch sometimes but hey we all can. but she is a TRUE damn friend! HaHa.she's so hilarious
Candykitty15 (6:30:53 PM): its nuts im laughing at everything i say and no one is even around me!!ahh get me some help!
xx sAmii boO (6:31:48 PM): lol wheres kassie??
Candykitty15 (6:32:51 PM): she be sleeping my dear
xx sAmii boO (6:32:56 PM): haha
Candykitty15 (6:33:35 PM): im happy 4day weekend girlfriend!!!go us!!hhahhaha
shes crazy! i love it when shes like this! lol but anyways, i was also thinking about nate.
xx sAmii boO (6:24:11 PM): so....how are you
LuckeyPH (6:24:40 PM): the worst
xx sAmii boO (6:24:44 PM): why?
LuckeyPH (6:24:56 PM): i dont no
xx sAmii boO (6:25:06 PM): aww im sorry
LuckeyPH (6:25:13 PM): no ur not
LuckeyPH (6:25:16 PM): u never are
xx sAmii boO (6:25:25 PM): how do you figure
LuckeyPH (6:25:40 PM): i dotn no
xx sAmii boO (6:26:14 PM): okay well i am sorry i obviously dont know whats wrong with you but im sorry you feel liek shit
LuckeyPH (6:26:51 PM): probably cause i havent been to sleep in 4 days cept last nite
xx sAmii boO (6:27:13 PM): well yea that could be why
LuckeyPH (6:27:45 PM): so im tired as all hell and i ahve a headache and i dont no
xx sAmii boO (6:28:05 PM): oh
xx sAmii boO (6:28:08 PM): well im sorry
LuckeyPH (6:28:27 PM): i cant wait till this weekend
xx sAmii boO (6:28:29 PM): why
LuckeyPH (6:29:06 PM): me and jared are goign to his sisters house and shes having a party and we are goign to gfet so fucked and have sex with everybody i hope
xx sAmii boO (6:29:29 PM): um...okay...
he always has these crazy mood swings, he says he loves me so much, but then he's a complete asshole to me! ugh...oh well... but im gonna go call KP to see if she can pick up me + kayla. bye guys <3
We HaV So MaNy MeMoRiEs
AnD wE'vE BeEn ThRu aLL ThOsE sTuPiD FiGhTs
So MaNy InSiDe JoKes
N tHe WaY wE sTaY uP oN ThOsE LaTe NiGhTs
ThEy KnOw My WhOlE LiFe N wiLL B tHeRe TiLL ThE eNd
YeA...tHeIr My BeSt FrEnDs
Fuck the boys...
We like them, but do they like us?
The ones we do never fuss
They never stop in and we wonder why
We stress, we bitch, we sometimes cry.
"Guys are assholes!" we always say.
Yet their stupid games we always play.
One day this, one day that.
So we turn to food which makes us fat.
Then they complain we're putting on weight
Defining to us why we never date.
They're the reason, those stupid f**ks,
Making us believe life sucks.
We've got our friends, they're all here.
Cheers to the girls, f**k the guys.
We're sick of their shit and stupid ass lies!
We don't need them, no not us.
Good for a scam, but never to trust.
So here's what to do:
Together we stand.
We'll party it up with beers in each hand.
Alone in our beds of course it might end,
But we don't get dumped and we still have