May 16, 2014 03:39
I don't really know why I feel the way I do these days. I feel like everyone is judging me, like I have to constantly strive to make a good impression. This constant pressure leaves me crawling back to my hole, because I can't live up to what I want to be. It's the same hole from childhood, where I peeked out at the world and was scared to leave the comfort of introversion. But this time I'm an adult, and everyone's watching. It leaves me uptight and high-strung. There are so many expectations to fill. On one hand, I want to fill all those expectations, fill all these roles to different people, and be a superhuman! On the other hand, I want to just ball up, lock everyone out, and find my focus.
I blame it on this, I blame it on that. I'm actually a complete insecure mess. I feel like I'm losing my intelligence and my social skills. I've definitely lost my confidence and my ability to believe in myself. I feel shitty about myself quite often, but not often enough to call myself depressed.
The worst part is, I can't I can't I can't. Every sentence begins with "I can't."
When can I turn my life around?
Clock's ticking tick, tock, tick....