Dear writer,
YAY! Pre-happy-yuletide to you :)
So in case you hadn't spotted it, I like musicals. I love missing scene fics, especially built just to the side of scenes that are mentioned or seen in canon. Or heck, the characters in different situations, but asking for epic AU is probably pushing it ;)
Fandomwise, hmm...
Elisabeth - Franz Josef needs fic! He needs it! His wife and her boyfriend have it. His son and his wife's boyfriend have it. His son and his mistress have it. Where's the FJ love? It can be anything to do with him. That assassination attempt before Death ever met his wife. Or what he saw when he was in the crypt after Rudolf's burial. Anything! Just FJ-centric!
Tanz der Vampire - Chagal & Magda, together they... fight crime? Play poker? Who knows? I wanna :) It can be as far out as you like. I don't mind.
The Scarlet Pimpernel - Now, be warned, this is my quiet favourite. Not necessarily the musical, but the book. Oh, I love the books. And I love Percy. I love Percy so much that I would probably cling on his ankle and get told off for rumpling his stockings given the chance. I adore him. I adore him infinitely. And as much as I adore him, I adore his adoration for Marguerite. SO MUCH. So, your challenge? Write Percy Blakeney as his wonderful, fabulously dressed, foppishly perfect self :)
Also, have fun :)