TITLE: Dance of Death - Elegy
FANDOMS: Taniec Vampirow/Elisabeth
SUMMARY: Death has a very unusual encounter with a young man of passing acquaintance.
PAIRINGS: Death/Herbert von Krolock
WORDS: 2616
NOTES: Set in a split-second moment in
this fic, this was spawned from the sheer, unbelievable hotness of
Death in Elisabeth. And yes,
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Some of the costumes over there are stunning.
Hee, yes. I remember watching a video of a Takarazuka Schatten and staring at Death's costume all the time, thinking "I want those boots!"
I can imagine the actors would prefer actually talking to people who don't approach them like screaming fangirls. The fans sometimes seem to be really scary. And I'd be more interested in talking to the actors etc. like normal people who do art that I'm interested in and appreciate. Just like, say, to a good fanfic writer I find online. I'm not really sure what one does with an actor's autograph...
It has actually got to the stage where bwinter and I are expanding our plans for a Tanz der Vampire website to fit an Elisabeth section as well, because we're both head-over-heels for the show :) The fact we've both ficced it means there will be at least a little fic for it anyway :D
The thing I noticed about a lot of the Polish fangirls was that they were so young and so very, very hysterical in many cases. They seemed so excitable about every little thing. At the promo I was at, they were pushing past anyone who wasn't one of them, desperate to be first to get seen/spoken to. Likewise, with the Cats ones, they were horrifically pushy at Broadway. If you're polite and not too pushy, then you'll probably be remembered better for it.
Hee, and I've got some bootlegs of musicals and some of them are last shows of someone in a particular role (Pia Douwes, Steve Barton) and it's frightening how the fans literally scream during the show. A lot. Like all the damn time.
I was lucky enough to be at Jakub Wocial's final performance as Herbert in Warsaw, and oh, the crowd was wild. His family were in, as were his fans, and he played the crowd like it was his own personal instrument. There were screams, hoots, cheers, everything! The atmosphere was electric :D
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