Sep 21, 2006 01:19
A few days ago, I started thinking about Christmas knitting. Last year I started way too late and planned way too little, and only a few people on my list got hand-knitted gifts.
"But not this year," I told myself.
I even made Angelo install FileMaker on my new lappy so that I could keep all my knitting on track this year. I figured that, if I complete 2 ⅓ projects a week from here on out, I'll be fine. (For the record, I've already done 3 ½ this week.)
But then, earlier tonight, STUPID Angelo had to STUPIDLY remind me that I knit his STUPID brother a STUPID hat for his STUPIDSTUPIDSTUPID birthday in August. I've set a precedent. And the whole damn family was there to see him unwrap it. There's no denying it.
He has three sisters, one brother, two neices, one nephew, not to mention mom, dad, step-dad, aunts, grandmas, and significant others. By my count, there are 15 of them that I've spent enough time with to feel like I ought to give them something. Oh jeez.
32 + 15. We'll see.