quiz for one part of my camp.

May 22, 2010 11:15

Which Victorian-Inspired Sub-culture are you?
Choose the answer that most describes you.
And yes, you have to answer all the questions. It’s silly and for fun!

1. You reach for a shirt. Its colors are more likely to be…
A. Black, White, Gray
B. Brown, Tan, Beige

2. Boys with eyeliner…
A. If they can pull it off, totally cool.
B. Wrong, just wrong.

3. You are faced with a problem…
A. I listen to my heart.
B. I use my brain.

4. If you had to pick something to do for an afternoon…
A. Read poetry by the ocean.
B. Tinker in a workshop.

5. If you could drink alcohol…
A. Wine, red, red wine.
B. Gimme a beer!

6. Death is…
A. Mysterious and a little frightening.
B. Not something I think about.

7. Love is…
A. Romance or Despair.
B. Fun or Forgettable.

8. Music is…
A. Life.
B. Nice background.

9. Jewelry…
A. You mean how much? Just necklaces, or do I include all of it?
B. Can get caught in stuff, unless you count tools and my watch.

10. What can solve the world’s problems?
A. The Arts and Nature!
B. Science and Technology!

Mostly A. Goth
Mostly B. Steampunk


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