(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 16:24

I am so blessed.

So blessed.

I don't know if I'm going to have another job. I don't know what's going to happen, but this experience has truly shown my how far I've come, how God's hand has been guiding me the whole way, and how I want NOTHING more to do his will to fulfill his purpose for my life.

On my way to my interview last night I put in my Jeremy Camp cd and focused. I praised, I worshiped, I prayed. I found peace and my nerves went away. This song honestly was my prayer:

You want to be real
You want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
You want to be whole
You want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today then lay it all down before the King

This is my desire
This is my return
This is my desire to be used by you

You want to be real
You want to be emptied inside
And I know my heart is to feel you near
And I know my life
It's to do your will
It's to do your will


All my life I have seen where you've taken me
Beyond all I have hoped and there's more left unseen
There's not much I can do to repay all you've done so I give my hands to use


(if anyone's curious you can actually listen to the song on my myspace hehe. hey, don't hate ;o)

The interview went really well. THREE HOURS well :o) The company sounds AWESOME. You could see the company pride oozing from this guy. I thought my company was good, but from the way this guy talked I think they're AS good as my company if not better. I really didn't think that was possible! One of the things that stood out the most was their flextime policy. You get 1 month to make up all of your time, like if you work 32 hours one week because you needed to take off a day you have the rest of the MONTH to make up your time. WOW

The company is really big on paying for training courses and education. This is very important to me and was a big plus in my book.

The guy interviewing me was actually in town for something totally unrelated to me and wouldn't actually be doing the hiring. From what I gathered he was sent to feel me out and report back, that his opinion carried a lot of weight. Him and I really hit it off, I thought. He was charming with his thick southern drawl and cowboy boots and very disarming. He was professional and a great ambassador for his company.

What stood out the most for me out of the whole conversation was something completely unrelated to the job.

At some point in the conversation I had mentioned being a Sunday school teacher to Jr. High girls and at some other point I implied something about my faith.

He brought up a way of doing business that they firmly believe in, being presented with a situation and not counting on the customer for direction on how to do something but to figure out a way to fix it for them, and he had mentioned it a couple of other times so it got me thinking. I asked for his insight. I wanted to know how he thought a situation like that should be handled. So I asked, "what do you do when you've been given something and you have no idea what to do or how to fix it, how do you not freak out?" I know, weird for the interview-ee to ask, you'd think it'd be the other way around. It's cool though, anyway, so I ask him and he says "Well, one of the first things I learned about interviewing was not to mention $, religion, or [something else i don't remember] unless the interview-ee mentions it first. You brought one of these up so I'm going to tell you what I do when faced with a huge gorilla like that. I go back to my desk, take a deep breath, and pray. Then I take 1 step at a time."

He said something else that I don't remember exactly but I remember my response "What do you think I was doing on my way here!?!? I popped in my Jeremy Camp CD and focused and prayed!" "Jeremy Camp is good isn't he?" he says and follows with "What do you think I was doing on my way here??"

It was just... really cool.

At that moment I understood WHY I had peace, WHY the conversation flowed so easily, WHY three hours flew by and WHY the whole thing was so... enjoyable! Neither of us were trying to control the situation! We BOTH had given it up to him prior to us even meeting! We were BOTH on the same spiritual page! I just imagined God sitting in one of the empty chairs at the table smiling with interest because he had been invited to dinner too!

I have no idea if I'm going to get the job. I have no idea really what they're even going to offer and you know what? I don't care! I don't care in meaning it doesn't matter what I want or what I think what's best. That's not why I'm here on earth. It's not about me. If this job is an opportunity for Him to use me in some way then that's what I want. If he wants me to stay were I am then that's cool too. I 100% just want what HE wants period.

It's almost like I just needed to go through the interview. It was very cleansing. Dusting off my resume and pitching myself to someone reminded me of how far I've come, of all the skills I've obtained, of all that I've accomplished, of how far God has brought me in 7 short years. WOW

Also, this man will probably never realize it but he said things to me that brought such clarity to me in regards to who I am and what I do. I think of it as going to church and the preacher preaching as if he were talking to you only, that the sermon was meant just for you.

I just... I can't put into words how great last night was.

I feel... happy. I don't know. I just feel... good

and I haven't a clue as to what's going to happen!


peace, job, interview, work

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