Jan 25, 2006 10:30
I am damn cranky because I haven't had any proper time to relax at home yet this week. I've noticed that no down time at home makes staying focused at work much harder. Saturday was all about running cable for my mom and working on her A/V setup. Sunday was Ikea and bed buying/assembly. Monday was returning the rental van to Ikea and then crashing because I was so tired I couldn't see straight. Tuesday was spending the whole evening at my mom's again (her awesome all-in-one remote is now programmed). Bleh.
Today after work we are actually going to the gym. Yay! Sadly, I can't wait. This may be the highlight of my week.
My mom finalized the adoption of her second dog yesterday - he is a 6 year old Maltese, and the goal was 1) to give Kara a buddy so she is not bored and lonely all day and 2) give my grandmother a lap dog since Kara is too rambunctious for her. It is early to say but I think it's going to work out ok. The little guy is really cute (though kind of heartbreakingly skinny, still) and seemed fairly comfortable after about 4 hours at his new house. He spent at least part of the evening snoozing with my grandmother.
Kara keeps smaffing him jealously when he is getting attention, the same way she does to the cats, but I think I managed to convince my mom that that is not acceptable behavior and she needs to break it immediately. Who knows if she will actually follow through with that but she did make Kara show her belly at least once last night when she was being really bad.
I will be interested to see how the new dog is doing after like a week of my grandmother's ministrations and my mom's feeding. I think we have to go over there One More Time this weekend to finish setting up my mom's new computer, so I will be able to assess progress then.