Or the lock, anyway.
I have had a masterlock locked on the bag I used to use for karate for, oh, 7 years or so now. It was on a loop on the side and I had given up trying to remember the combination and just let the weight of it cave the side of my bag in.
But today Ket and I joined the Y (which totally rocks, it's like half the price of Fancy Corporate Gym and they have a fucking year-round outdoor pool heated to 84 degrees!), and I came home filled with determination to reclaim my damn lock so I can use the lockers there.
So I tracked down that
masterlock cracking guide, which I originally found 2 or 3 years ago when I first wondered if there was a way to get that lock open (I think at the time, I read right up to the part where you had to do math, and then that was that).
But this time I figured out the last number all super sleuth like (it's really fun and I highly recommend trying it on a lock of your own), and then used the widget to generate the list of 100 or so possible combinations based on that final number. Then, in careful scientific fashion, I scanned through them to see if one looked familiar. :p Got it on the 3rd try! (the first two were fakeouts because they were reminiscent of my high school locker combination or something)
A winner is me!