Gift vid for sisabet (Youngblood)

Jan 21, 2011 12:05

Title of vid: What About Love
Vidder: Greensilver
Recipient: sisabet
Fandom: Youngblood (Movie)
Music: "What About Love" by Heart
Summary: Don't you want someone to care about you?
Content notes: No standardized notes apply.
Length (signed): 3:27

Signed vid here [LJ ( Read more... )

r: sisabet, !2010, f: youngblood

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Comments 23

way2busymom January 22 2011, 18:18:57 UTC
I had no idea how much I needed this vid in my life!



galadriel34 January 22 2011, 19:14:24 UTC
Beautifully edited! :)


dualbunny January 22 2011, 20:40:36 UTC
Noooooooo! If I yell loud enough can I stop that thing from happening? ::sniffles::

(God, they are so in love.) And Rob Lowe is so adorable and tiny. Loooove.


renenet January 22 2011, 21:24:13 UTC
Boys! Hockey! LOVE!!! :D


squigglepie January 23 2011, 04:16:42 UTC

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