Title of vid: Easy on the Eyes
Recipient: Josette_Arnauld
Vidder: dkwilliams
Fandom: A Dorothy L. Sayers Mystery (Edward Petherbridge)
Music: A Little Bit Independent by Little Jack Little
Summary: Lord Peter is fascinated by many things about Harriet Vane
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Password: festivids
Signed length: 02:06
Signed URL:
https://vimeo.com/199375891 Lyrics
A little bit independent in your walk
A little bit independent in your talk
There's nothing like you in Paris or New York
You're awfully easy on the eyes
A little bit independent when we dance
A little bit independent toward romance
A bit of sophistication in your glance
And yet you're easy on the eyes
Whenever I'm with you alone
You weave a magic spell
And though it be a danger zone
I only know that you're swell
A little bit independent with your smile
A little bit independent in your style
But how can I help but love you all the while
When you're so easy on the eyes
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