Gift for shinyjenni by Franzeska (Singin' in the Rain)

Jan 31, 2015 08:03

Title of vid: The Modern Approach
Recipient: shinyjenni
Vidder: Franzeska
Fandom: Singin' in the Rain
Music: Nos Iremos Los Tres by Gilda
Summary: Cosmo believes in the modern approach
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 01:56
Signed URL:

See the vid here.

Cómo es eso que te vas y me dejas sola

Cómo es eso que te vas y me dejas triste

Cómo es eso que te vas y te llevas todo

Cómo es eso que te vas 
y sin despedirte

Te llevas el auto, el televisor te llevas la cama.

Te llevas la radio, la mesa, las sillas te llevas mi almohada.

Te llevas mi amor 
Y tambien me dejas herida el alma

Y si es que te llevas todo lo tuyo, 
no me dejas nada

Lo siento mi amor, pero yo no voy a dejarte solo

Dile a esa mujer con la que te vas 
que nos vamos todos

Tu comprenderás que estamos viviendo 
tiempos modernos

No voy a quedarme aburrida y triste 
y cargando cuernos

Y nos iremos los tres 
y viviremos los tres

Y cada final de mes tú 
correras con los gastos

Y nos iremos los tres 
y viviremos los tres

Y ya veremos despues 
quién se queda con los platos


How is it that you're going and leaving me alone?

How is it that you're going and leaving me sad?

How is it that you're going and taking it all?

How is it that you're going without a goodbye?

You're taking the car, the television set. You're taking the bed.

You're taking the radio, the table, the chairs. You're taking my pillow.

You're taking my love, and you're leaving me brokenhearted.

And if you're taking everything of yours, you'll leave me with nothing.

I'm sorry, my love, but I'm not going to leave you alone.

Tell this woman you're going with that we'll all go together.

You must understand, we are living in modern times.

I'm not going to stay, bored and sad, and wearing horns.

And the three of us will go.

And the three of us will live.

And, at the end of every month, you'll foot the bill.

And the three of us will go.

And the three of us will live.

And later we'll see who gets stuck with the dishes.

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r: shinyjenni, !2014, f: singin' in the rain

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