Title of vid: Helpless Recipient: sweetestdrain Vidder: Trelkez Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (2013) Music: Helpless by Neil Young Summary: Sing with me somehow. Content notes: No standardized notes apply Unsigned length: 03:38
eeee, ICHABOD HAS SO MANY FEELINGS. I love all the subtle gestures and lush imagery of this vid, and it's such a great look at Ichabod's struggle to stay afloat (in the war, adjusting to the present century, and so on) and how Katrina and Abbie have helped him along the way. Thank you so much! (And the end, with those last looks -- agh! What NEXT.)
This is so beautiful! I love the structure of this vid, the out-of-placeness of Ichabod and how it gives weight to his relationship with the love of his past but then his relationship with Abbie. Really fantastic.
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