Title of vid: Screen Door
Recipient: Dogstar
Vidder: Kass
Fandom: Friday Night Lights
Music: Screen Door by Uncle Tupelo
Summary: Family, community, connection, East Dillon pride.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:40
Signed URL:
Link to signed vid post.
Down here, where's we're at
The weather changes, that's the way it goes
Sometimes it snows, when everything's wrong
Sometimes it snows, but when it does, it doesn't last long
Down here, where we're at
All we do is sit out on the porch
And play our songs, and nothing's wrong
Sometime friends come around, they all sing along
Down here, where we're at
Everybody is equally poor
Down here, we don't care
We don't care what happens outside the screen door
Down here, where we're at
Sweat drips from the tip of your nose
You wear loose clothes, and you try to stay cool
We all still have a lot of fun, never saw much school
Down here, where we're at
Everybody is equally poor
Down here, we don't care
We don't care what happens outside the screen door
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