Gift for sabaceanbabe by lizbetann (Ladyhawke)

Jan 19, 2013 06:52

Title of vid: The Wolf Sky
Recipient: sabaceanbabe
Vidder: lizbetann
Fandom: Ladyhawke
Music: The Wolf Sky by Wendy Rule
Summary: Hawks and wolves mate for life.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:14

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r: sabaceanbabe, !2012, f: ladyhawke

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Comments 5

sabaceanbabe January 19 2013, 18:01:55 UTC
OMG! How did you even find that song??? It's like it was made for this movie and this exquisite vid! Both song and vid, so gorgeous. Thank you so much, dear Festividder. I love it.


boom_queen January 19 2013, 18:58:22 UTC
That song is so perfect! And this vid does such a great job of capturing their longing and connection <3


nicole_anell January 20 2013, 20:46:17 UTC
Here via sabaceanbabe, I've never seen this movie but I love the mood and atmosphere of this vid, great song choice.


destina January 21 2013, 02:41:25 UTC
This vid gives me feelings. Many, many wonderful feelings. Also, I love your song choice, wow.


galadriel34 January 24 2013, 11:07:36 UTC
Ah, how much I loved this film! as I love this vid! Great song choice and editing!


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