Title of vid: In Our Bedroom After The War
Recipient: legoline
Vidder: such heights
Fandom: Good Bye, Lenin!
Music: In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars
Summary: The war is over, and we are beginning.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Unsigned length: 03:56
Embedded vid behind cut )
First of all you need to know that both last year and this year I requested this fandom knowing that the odds were probably against me, given that the source is not widely known outside of Germany. So the fact that you made this vid? THANK YOU.
And as for the vid--I have thoughts. SO MANY I considered taking notes. And I have feelings and goosebumps and tears in my eyes YET AGAIN and gah, this vid ♥
I love the song. I love the somewhat wistful mood; I looooove the repeated line "at least the war is over" because somehow, that just sums the film up so much, and I particularly love how you parallelled that line with the protesters in the very beginning. So powerful. I love the build-up and Alex's obvious dedication to his mother; I love how when the song picks up it's about the change (and good change, in a way, like the new friends Alex makes) and still about family and then IN THE VERY END for the grand finale there's the scene where the Lenin statue comes flying at Christiane and it's PERFECT.
And then you go and kill me with having that black and white shot of her at the dacha smiling and turning into the fireworks of her ashes.
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