Title of vid: Sophia's Song Recipient: Rhea314 Fandom: Last Exile Vidder:rokikurama Music: "Wild" by Poe Summary: Character profile for Sophia, showcasing her awesome! Content notes: No standardized notes apply Length: 03:08 ( Embedded vid behind cut )
This vid is awesome, just like Sophia is. Thank you so much!! That song was a great choice, it worked really well, and clearly you are psychic because it's a song I love greatly too. I'm just so very, very pleased. You really capture Sophia's story here and how very amazing she is. <3s
I love the music choice for this, it just sounds right even though I don't know the source. I really like the ships flying into space and exploding shots set to music. You built up to the end very well, I love that sequence. Nice work!
Thanks! I greatly appreciate the feedback. I thought of the song almost as soon as I decided to do a Sophia profile--they're both strong in a very understated kind of way.
Great song and I love how you timed those explosions and battle sequences to it - from 2:30 to the end was especially awesome - with the focus always coming back to Sophia. (Don't know the source, but she does seem awesome!)
Comments 12
This vid is awesome, just like Sophia is. Thank you so much!! That song was a great choice, it worked really well, and clearly you are psychic because it's a song I love greatly too. I'm just so very, very pleased. You really capture Sophia's story here and how very amazing she is. <3s
Poe is awesome, isn't she.
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