5 thoughts and a dream from my parents house.

Mar 08, 2009 03:52

I'd never played Apples to Apples before tonight. It rules.

The school bus is the chewiest because it would take the longest to eat.

Skittles dissolved in cheap wine is a winning combination.

I'd like to fast forward my life to Wednesday.

I don't know how I'm still awake.

The other night I had a dream in which I was an old man waking up in the back of my car which had been stolen. It was night time and the robber had left the car alone with me in the back due to a construction zone in a residential neighborhood which left him with nowhere to drive. I got up and walked back to my room. When I closed the door I looked underneath and could see the shoes of the person who stole my car and kidnapped me. I was too afraid to open the door so instead I tried to mash his toes with my hands in hopes that he would go away. This did not. work. I think he was there to kill me or at least kidnap me again. I'm not really sure what for but I woke up before he got to do either of those things.
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