just my thoughts

May 21, 2007 18:17

im sitting in this little hallway concourse thing at school right now bored out of my mind. i've been reading peoples' myspaces and blogs...wow brings me way back. a lot of people, including my brother and raquel are now worrying about stuff like countertops, dishwashers, wow. that'll be me soon. i never realized i'd actually grow up and think about stuff like that!

i've still been thinking a lot about relationships and stuff. dustin STILL tries to oh i dont know mess with my head? im not sure why he decides to send me random pictures when he's dating some other girl. who knows. i'm pretty content other than that right now. sure, i'd LOVE to be sharing my life with someone right now but i guess i have to enjoy this while it lasts because hopefully one day i will have a family.

im in the mood to write. this is helping.

i really need to find a job. i'm becoming more and more broke each day, especially when i have to randomly drive to saginaw. next month is cedar point and muskegon, july is vaca with the family and then august is my birthday and moving into the new apartment!
hmm im not sure what im gonna do when Kelly graduates in may. where am i gonna live?? hopefully i'll find some cool friends by then.

sometimes i really like being alone like this. well im not really alone, theres a guy in the room but he doesn't count. i like to be alone so that i can write out my thoughts...its relaxing.

i have the biggest craving for coldstone right now...the apple pie one mmmm! walking around birmingham eating it sounds amazing! haven't done that in FOREVER!

i should really start using this thing more or maybe get one of those more updated blog things like webblog..i might just do that. i need to write more it makes me happy :) even if no one is reading it haha
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