Poor neglected LJ

May 06, 2007 10:51

I think I have been neglecting this poor LJ of mine while I played with flashy new Facebook.  Poor LJ - I promise to spend more time updating you.

So what has been happening since we completed our pain-in-the-tukus move?  Not much I suppose.  Suz and I have spent our time cleaning and unpacking.  We did a little yard work - she did the raking and I did some trimming of the trees.  Our bedroom in the basement is now almost completely set up, which is quite nice.  It is also quite large.  Other things are on a much slower track to getting completed such as emptying the office.

I've spent the last week quite sick with chills, nausea, a pounding headache, plugged sinuses, and and aching back.  Finally started to get over it on Friday. This was a welcome relief.

The exhaust on the truck blew on Friday and so we are rendered vehicle-less for the time being.  This really sucks.

On Saturday I got my head shaved for Cops for Cancer.  I am now bald as a cueball.

Yesterday I got my hands on Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney for my DS.  I'm currently making my way through Super Paper Mario on the Wii.  I've got Castlevania and PunchOut waiting on the VC.  Siren, James Bond, Kingdom Hearts II, and Dragon Quest VII are waiting for the PS2.  Still not completed on the DS are Lunar: Dragon Song, Children of Mana, and Elite Beat Agents.  I need to get down to some serious playing and knock some of these games off.

I haven't had much time for reading either but I did take a trip down to the library last week and got myself some books to read - hopefully I will get some of those done too in the next few days.

So much to do!  So little time to do it in.

I WILL update more often this LJ!  Promise promise promise.
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