(no subject)

Aug 16, 2008 20:07

Recently I heard two mothers arguing about who was more overprotective of their child - and they were giving each other more and more extreme examples as if this was something to be truly proud of.   To me, this was an embarrassing display of over-protectiveness, known in the current jargon as "helicopter parenting".

I find I am often "alone in the dark" among my generation of parents raising these "millenium" kids in that I expect them to do things for themselves - and I find that often people are shocked at how independent my kids are - fancy getting your own breakfast cereal at the age of 8!!  This was exemplified by a young visitor to my house who asked for a banana from a bowl right next to her.  I said "sure you can have one" - and she stood and stared at me.  I couldn't figure it out... then I realized she was waiting for me to walk across the room to the bowl right next to her to hand it to her.

Call me mean, but for god's sake, what have we come to when a kid needs everything handed to them by a parent?  I read an article recently about the new generation.  I of course, come from "Generation X", otherwise known as the "ignored generation".  We are a small demographic, and we are sort of left in the wake of the "boomers" and the "milleniums".

I have many things to say about this that would probably be redundant and lengthy.   I leave it at this - how long can someone survive who has had every small thing handed to them as soon as or even before they have even thought about it??
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