Nov 01, 2008 20:52
Never realy got round to updating, did I? I keep getting ill and recovering a little and getting ill again- reminds me of a vicious cycle lasting a few months I had back in Habs sixth form where I kept getting ill but there wasn't enough time to recover properly because of the work that had to be done.
Anyways. Went to a trade fair in Warwick today to buy shiny things with some of the BatSoc people. Things I walked out with:
-A large tuned ceramic six-hole ocarina
-A long thin length of leather
-A viking-style buckle and end set so I can make an authentic belt with the length of leather
-A pair of authentic reenactment leather shoes
-A reel of linen thread
-Brass rivets for belt-making
-A toggle made out of deer antler horn to finish the medieval leather pouch I'm currently making
-A leather stabbing awle
-A bottle of ginger wine (it's like drinking fire)
-A set of strong needles for leatherwork
-A small bag of tooth-breakingly hard but AWESOME gingerbread (didn't really walk out with it, I finished it well before)
-An order for a battle-ready sword, 24" long.
Am particularly looking forward to the sword's arrival (which will be in about a month's time). Must get a scabbard made for it, too.