(no subject)

Jul 21, 2008 14:24

Spent the weeked with Pete in London on Saturday and Northampton on Sunday. No souveniers but plenty of good pictures and videos, and a ridiculous Cubist sunburn. Was SOMUCHFUN though, this weekend! His parents were so kind to me, too. ^^; Only have to wait until next Friday/ Saturday to see him again now, yays. We get to hopefully see Wall-E in the cinema with Lucia and Petar, and then later The Dark Knight in IMAX (just the two of us, I think). The latter should be crazy-cool in IMAX.


-Camden Town. Not as much fun any more now it's going commercial.
-Doctor Who exhibition! Was teh awesome, and I got to get 'inside' a Dalek and speak in its voice. There is now a video somewhere of this Dalek singing 'I'm So Pretty'... (that would be me).
-Pit stop at a large graveyard (it was the only decent place to sit down properly for a bit). It was awesome though, ravens everywhere. We got good pictures of one sitting on a gravestone all gothic-like. And friendly squirrels! One came right up to us with a bit of coaxing. It's tail twitching and its nose sniffing. Aww.
-Natural History museum and Science Museum
-Tower Bridge end in search of the New York telescope (we didn't find it, but we did come across a huge advertisment hype involving a fake crashlanded space ship and fake FBI agents who would only give 'any information is classified' as their explanation)
-Train to Northampton/ Pete's house.

Lots and lots of walking! Mainly because we kept getting our directions wrong and right and wrong and right again, and at one point ended up straying into the Royal Imperial College grounds (no-one seemed to mind). Was really really hot out, but we were saved by an ice-cream van (I think by the time we got onto Tower Bridge we would've baked to death without an ice-cream in out systems). And the National History museum needs much better ventillation. Was amused to see that small children are still terrified to tears over the animatronic T-Rex though.


-The Festival of History

It was AWESOME and huge, the biggest fayre I've ever been to. Everything from the Romans to WW2. Wwe got to see jousting, Victorian horse jumping with women riding side-saddle (and jumping over fully laid-tables whilst grabbing flutes of champagne out of a butler's outsretched tray!), a jester eating fire and, well, jesitng, hand-to-hand knight combat, and a WW2 battle re-enactment between the Germans and the English-American-French alliance (including air jumper troops- one with a malfuncioning parachute who had to cut away and deploy his reserve, and a brilliant mock- dogfight between two Luftwaffe bombers and a Spitfire in the air), with pyrotechnics and smoke and all. Pete and I very nearly walked out of the place with a Scythian bow each, the only thing stopping us was the fact that they hadn't the exact poundages and styles we wanted in the stalls- but we did get the makers' websites. So many pretty historical things though, if only I had the money to buy it all!
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