I'm sure I have mentioned to some of you that I am now writing a
webnovel, based on last year's NaNoWriMo story. I added Google's Adsense to the site, which not only gives me the possibility (however theoretical) of earning some money, it also lets me see the site activity more easily than checking my access log. Well, up through last week, I had been averaging around 150 hits / day. That's nice, since it means that people are reading, but it's not spectaculor. But on this past Friday, the hit rate zoomed up into the thousands, peaking at over 6000 on Saturday. It's subsided a bit since then, but I am now averaging around 1700 hits per day!
I cannot be certain exactly where these came from. I've been buying some cheap ads (Project Wonderful placements at up to 10 cents / day), and submitted the story to a few websites. But this is rather exciting, at least if it continues, which would indicate that people are sticking with the story.
I have one very regular commenter, a fellow aspiring author named "von" who has been giving me a lot of feedback on what he likes and doesn't like about my writing. I've even taken to sending him chapters in advance, so I can make any serious revisions before I post on the site. He's even assigned reading and commenting on the story to his daughter, who is home-schooled, and I regularly get very large analyses from her as well. Given the story, it is nice to have a female perspective - she has several times noticed things that I completely overlooked.
As for Adsense? I have earned a bit over $12 so far. That's not going to buy much, but it'll be some money I didn't have before. If my traffic continues at this rate, I could earn about $100 or so before the story is finished. Definitely not time to quit my day job.