Realized something in the past couple minutes just looking around at the beautiful things in my life. Every single day i find myself in a beautiful moment. I'm watching a child cling to her father as she rides on the back of his bike. I'm eating delicious food on a busy Beijing street. I'm saying "see you later" to amazing friends i've made here. Life is full of beauty no matter what your mood. But being depressed blinds you from it sometimes. When i get back home, if i have enough money, i'm buying myself a digital camera. How convenient, if even just for yourself, to have snapshots of the beautiful things that have happened to you?
Another thing i realized is that it's really up to me to make certain situations different, or better, or more satisfying. Sometimes it's as easy as reminding myself that every day has beautiful moments. Sometimes it's harder like consciously changing something that comes natural to me in an effort to make myself someone i love more. And realizing that no one but me is worth changing anything for. You'd think i'd have these things down by now but every once in a while i need to remind myself. :)
Well no use telling you about all the beautiful things in my life... i can SHOW you!
WARNING there are a lot of pictures... because you MISS ME!
This is my roomate. The one before i had to move in with the creepy Russian chick. This is Sweet... with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend's shirt said "Smoking seriously harms you and those around you“ He was smoking when i took the picture but i couldn't get it in the frame. heehee
This is me enjoying a fish pastry. Filled with Cinnamon Apple deliciousness. Mmmmm
Kirk enjoying chuar...... jeez, i love chuar. SOOOOO delicious. This night i think we each at like 20 chuar. I became so fat that i broke the chair and landed in a pile of gross china crap on the ground. true story.
Karaoke brings out the Jackie Chan in all of us. Especially Mike and Elaine.
AMERICA DAY! We bought expensive american treats and watched American movies. IN ENGLISH! crazy.
I do enjoy the red tea... and shorts that used to be pants.
Jae-duk being an authentic Korean. Preparing authentic Korean cuisine. I probably would have had better memories of this dinner if i hadn't licked chopsticks that touched raw meat and gotten food poisioning the next day.
Mike Elaine and Jae-duk in an ACTION SHOT! or a drunk shot...
Just cause it's an adorable picture. So happy.
Boris feels the flavour of ice cream is at it's absolute best when pinching adorable penguins.
This is Elaine's last night in Beijing! :(
Carter's last meal in China was in McDonald's. Hence the ketchup memorial and Kirk's forlorn face.
MMMMMMM Taste the Rainbow! Who said China doesn't like the gaybies?!
Yay for playing in the statuesque reminder of the One Child Law! I wouldn't waste it on Kirk!
MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! my friends are the greatest!
bye bye kirk! ::tear::
that's it for now kiddos. Be home in a few days!